iv. Behind The Tree (MCA Online Series)

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Kano's OOC. I'm sorry. <.> I want a tsun tsun Kano. XD

Shuunyano: You coming?

Tsubomi: Yes!

Shuunyano: You idiot. I was talking to Kou.

Tsubomi: :/

DeerKousu: *approaches Tsubomi and then chuckles* That's just like him. Don't worry, he really wants you to come.

Shuunyano: I do not!

Tsubomi: ... *mumbles* I guess Kano's very tsundere in this game.

DeerKousu: *chuckles*

Shuunyano: Here we are. The first village.

Tsubomi: Huh? I don't see it...

The only thing Kido saw was a giant tree in front of them.

DeerKousu: Oh right! You don't know this yet, but you have to.. *reaches hand out to Kido*

Shuunyano: *holds Kido's hand* I'll do it.

Tsubomi: Kano..

DeerKousu: *squeals inside*

Shuunyano: Let's go. *leads Kido into the back of the tree*

Tsubomi: Hey wha-


Welcome to Navia!!! 99th Floor village!

Tsubomi: Oh wow...

Shuunyano: *looks at Kido* ...

DeerKousu: *grins* You like what you see?

Shuunyano: *punches Kou with his free hand*

DeerKousu: *laughs even with a black eye* Enjoying the warmth of her hand, yea?

Shuunyano: Huh? *looks at his hand interlocked with Kido's* Sorry. *pulls his hand away*

DeerKousu: *laughs* Hah- *gets punched again*

Shuunyano: *continously punching Kou*

Tsubomi: They act more like friends than brothers, huh?

Shuunyano: *still punching Kou*

Tsubomi: Uh, hey?

Shuunyano: WHAT?!

DeerKousu: *sarcastically laughing*

Tsubomi: ... Now what?

Shuunyano: *still raging* ... *clears throat* Now we sell the items.

DeerKousu: We should give Tsu-chan a little something something!!! *grins with lots of wounds on his face*

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