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So.. Today's already.. May. .-.
Well whatever. I saved part 69 just for this muwahahahaha.

Everyone forgot Shintaro's birthday. Shintaro did not care cause at least Facebook greeted him.

Shintaro: Facebook is truly my one and only friend. <.<

*thinks for a second*

Shintaro: and soda. Stupid me! How could I forget soda!

He had set up balloons and bought a cake for the party he's going to have in his room.

He knew no one would create a surprise for him.

He knew he wouldn't get the gift he wanted either.

His gift was in a place he couldn't go to.. not yet at least.

Heaven. Ayano was in heaven.

Shintaro: More cake for me. *gobbles up cake*

Of course the cake was soda cake. Although, this time he didn't ask for Kano's help since he wouldn't want old events to happen again.

(You know what I'm talking about. *wiggles eyebrows*)

Shintaro: *buries face on the leftover cake*

He made the cake salty with his tears.

Sweet things eventually go tasteless, so it's better to have at least a flavor.

*knock knock*

He heard a knock. A very soft knock. It was in no hurry.

Momo: Onii-chan?

He heard his sister's voice from the other side of the door.

He had to answer. He knew he had to.

Shintaro: What do you want?

He didn't mind all the pain this day has given him.

It was his sister.

Momo always fixed everything for him.

Momo: Happy Birthday..

He looked down to the ground and gave no reply.

Momo: I'm sorry I forgot.. but do you remember the headphones you always looked at, in the mall?

His head jolted at what she said.

Shintaro: *opens door* Did you really...

His smile went up to his ears.

Momo: *smiles* I got you a pear (pair. This is clearly a pun.) *shows pear*

*slams door*

Momo: ouo ............... ;-; i'm a bad sister.



Momo: *enters hideout*

Kido: What happened?! Did you do well?!

Momo: *shakes head*


Kido: What?... You said you had the best plan!

Momo: I did, but...

Kano: *writing notes* Never forget Shintaro's birthday.

Kido: But what?

Momo: I guess a pun joke wasn't what he wanted.

Kido: ... What did you say?

Kano: *writing notes* Don't let younger Kisaragi fix the problem.

Momo: I got him headphones. I got him a pear. *shows pear*

Kido: *outrages inside*

Kano: *writing notes* shit.


.-. *runs away*

Mekakucity Actors (メカクシティアクターズ) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now