Chapter 16- assassins are jerks

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"(F/n), analyse your opponent. What does she leave open?" A voice muttered into her ear and then a pair of hands pushed her back into the 'fighting space'. Nishi circled the female as if she were prey and the predator like opponent grinned at her discomfort.

Hiro watched the fight, itching to rush in and stop it, but knowing his sisters brutality it wasn't really heard of for that to happen. He looked over to see his sister watching without any hint of concern and crossed her arms chuckling when (f/n) had found herself in a headlock. The artists face was growing slightly flushed and she clawed at Nishi's arm in an attempt to get away. Hiro couldn't handle it anymore and shoved past the crowd until he was face to face with his sister. His lips pulled back into a snarl as he pointed his finger in her face, "stop this now."

"No." Riki slapped his finger away and returned her attention back to the fight. "She needs to fight her own battles."

"This isn't right, she's getting hurt." Hiro pointed at the female who was now on the floor gasping for the air she lost in the headlock, bruises were already starting to form and her body shook uncontrollably.

"What about the other guys, when they go out and do your dirty work do you get this worked up as well?"

"This is different."

"What because (f/n) is a girl?" Riki sneered and Hiro clenched his hands into fists. "Or does that woman mean something to you."

"She is a friend and the only person who could lead us to her grandfathers last work." Hiro didn't dare look at the fight when everyone hissed and groaned as if they could feel whoever's pain it was. "Just please stop this."

"No." Riki smirked and gestured to the fight, "you're angel needs to end this herself."

(F/n) suddenly saw it. Her weakness. Nishi didn't conserve her energy and left her stomach open. The artist stumbled up from the floor and narrowed her eyes on her target. She ran forward and ducked under her opponents blow and kicked her in the back, she didn't waste anytime to get Nishi into a headlock but was flung off of the female and pinned down. Nishi dug her knee into (f/n)'s chest and struck the females face over and over, but the sudden blow of (f/n)'s foot to her stomach sent her flying back. The artist swiftly got onto her feet and jumped back from Nishi's fist, but (f/n) struck the females stomach once again. Nishi fell to the floor, gagging from the blows to her stomach and received a kick to the head. Knocking her unconscious. There was a silence across the hall and everyone stared at the female with wide eyes, but then they all roared out and crowded around her, picking her up and bouncing her in victory. "(F/n)!" A familiar voice shouted over the crowd and made the assassins silent. They lowered her to the ground and Riki slowly walked over to her with a slow pace. "Nishi is one of my best fighters." Her voice was stern and made (f/n) instinctively look down at the floor, she suddenly felt a hand land on her shoulder and she looked up seeing Riki smiling. "I'm impressed."

"(F/n)! Are you okay?" Hajime suddenly came out of nowhere and hugged the female tightly, the three other guys followed after him and (f/n) locked eyes with Goro.

"I'm fine Hajime." She patted his head and smiled at Goro, "am I credit to the group yet?" The purple eyed male looked away, crossing his arms with a scowl

"You're just starting to get there." He muttered, his once pouty face turned into one of confusion when he heard the female laughing loudly. "What's so funny?"

"You never change." She chuckled and gently punched Goro's arm. "Thanks for pissing me off during the fight."

"It's what I do best isn't it." Goro ruffled (f/n)'s hair with a soft smile. The female was about to comment back but was silenced when she saw Hiro step forward. His eyes were set on the ground and he stood with his shoulders hunched.

"Hiro lets go somewhere more quiet." She whispered and walked out of the hall with the pink haired male following after her. His eyes were set on the females back and his thoughts took over. Hiro furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the limp in (f/n)'s walk and heard the not so subtle hisses coming from the female. He reached out a hand but just as his fingers grazed her arm they came to a stop in a quiet hallway at the far end of the large building. "Now tell me what's troubling you." (F/n)'s (e/c) eyes locked onto Hiro and he held his breath for a moment. The bruises that had finally healed after her first mission were replaced with darker and larger ones, her eyes were bloodshot from the stress of the fight and there was a red mark on her neck, almost into the shape of a hand. As if she had been choked within the fight.

"I'm sorry." He blurted out and (f/n) cocked her head to the side, wincing slightly at the pain coming from the action. "I tried to make Riki stop the fight...but...I couldn't convince her. I should have tried harder to change my sisters mind, then maybe your..." he stopped himself and stared at the females face, unconsciously running a gentle hand down her cheek, he took a step in and spoke in a quiet and smooth voice. "Then maybe your beautiful face wouldn't have been damaged." Hiro suddenly realised that he had been stroking (f/n)'s cheek and pulled his hand away whilst uncomfortably clearing his throat.

"Hiro...don't tell me you've fallen for me." The female joked and saw the  normally confident ladies man all flustered whilst waving his hands around in an attempt to make it clear that he means no.

"Wh-what no!" Hiro hid his face but his pink ears informed (f/n) that he was blushing. "Look...we've known each other for about a month or something but...out of all that time...I think of you as a friend."

"Aww Hiro you do know how to make a girl blush." (F/n) placed a hand to her heart whilst chuckling and Hiro smiled slightly. "Now how about we find the others and-" the artist was suddenly cut off by the window behind her shattering and the shards caught the sun sending a glare in her eyes.

"(F/n) move!" Hiro shouted and yanked her away just as an arrow whistled through the air and dug itself in the wall, a piece of paper hanging from it by a blue ribbon. (F/n) walked over to the arrow, ignoring Hiro's protests, and pulled the letter off.

Remember that (f/n) must be at the Trevi fountain tonight, or I promise you that someone will get seriously hurt.

"Rather cliché don't you think?" Hiro grumbled and read the letter of the females shoulder.

"I guess the arrow was for effect."


"I don't care." Riki sighed and returned to the book she was reading. A brown haired girl that Jun recognised as Yuki was sitting next to her with Riki's legs resting on her lap. Goro suddenly hit the wall and growled at her dismissive attitude to the situation.

"You should care! They got into your building without any trouble and are after (f/n)!" He growled and Yuki looked over at her friend. Riki saw the females doubting expression and released a slow exaggerated sigh.

"Fine, I've got a plan but you must follow it without any mistakes or this could possibly end with the disappearance of (f/n)."

Part time thiefOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora