“The boy,” She said, pointing behind me. I turned around and realized that she was pointing directly and Asher, who was now talking with Ronnie. “He scares me. I think he’s a giant.”

  I had to try hard to hold in a laugh. I had to admit, Asher was pretty tall, he was probably six foot something. Compared to little Hartlyn, he definitely was a giant. I looked at my little sister and whispered to her, “Well, maybe he is a giant. He sure is tall!”

  “Will he eat me?” She asked me, her voice quiet like mine.

  This time a chuckle did escape my lips. I shook my head and smiled at her. “No, he won’t eat you. Asher is a nice giant, he’s my friend.”

  “Are you his elf?” She wondered.

  “Yeah sure,” I responded. “I’m his elf. His amazing, friendly elf.”

  She grinned and giggled a little bit. I thought I had cracked this case and she was now going to come outside and play in her playground, but she just got on her tiptoes, gave me a hug and announced, “I’m going to play dollies!” She then ran off to her room.

  I got off the ground and laughed. She really was something my little sister. However, figuring out what goes on in her mind wasn’t what I was here for now. I was here to see what was going on with my supposed mom, Janet.

  I opened the backdoor to the house and rejoined Ronnie and Asher. They still looked very deep in thought, probably thinking about how the heck Janet had found me. I’ll admit, the question did pass my brain. However, another question kept popping up in my mind even more… why did she wait fourteen years to find me? Why did it take her so long to get off her butt and finally realize that she had a son that was waiting to hear from her at some point. I wasn’t expecting a full-on reunion or anything, but just a simple “Hi, I’m your mom!” would be great. Well, come to think of it, I guess she did give me that. Nevertheless, I was still wishing that the first time I heard of her would be in person, not on Facebook.

  “Any ideas?” I asked my friends.

  “Well, we should check out her profile to see what’s up with this woman,” Ronnie offered.

  We settled with that. We all headed to the far side of the backyard and sat underneath a tree so the sun wouldn’t glare off of my iPod’s screen. I opened up Facebook and went to my messages so I could see Janet again. I clicked on her name and it brought me to her page.

  “That can’t be her,” Asher muttered under his breath, looking at her profile picture.

  Ronnie punched him playfully in the shoulder. “Of course it isn’t her,” She told him. “That’s a picture of Amy Winehouse!”

  Asher’s face flushed at the realization that her profile picture was the dead singer. I laughed a little bit, and then I checked out her pictures. Once I found a suitable one of her, I clicked it and it grew bigger. I swear, all of our eyes literally almost came right out of their sockets.

  “Now, that’s her,” Ronnie commented.

  The woman in the picture was literally me but taller, older and well… in girl form. We had the same dirty-blonde hair, upturned nose, big grey eyes and… everything. It was insane. By the looks on Asher and Ronnie’s faces, I think they agreed.

  “Avery… you guys are like… t-twins!” Asher exclaimed, completely amazed. He took the phone from my hands and looked closer at it. “It’s scary!”

  I was too bewildered to even speak. I had found my mother. The woman who created me was on my phone. Well, her Facebook page anyways. It was a feeling that I couldn’t even describe. I was happy, amazed, sad… everything all at once.

  “Asher?” Ronnie said, bringing me back to Earth. “Are you okay?”

  I shook my head a little bit to get back into focus. “Yeah, I think so. It’s just… I never even thought I’d ever find my mom. But here she is, right in front of me!”

  “Well, not exactly,” She pointed out. “On your phone she is.”

  “Same thing!” I said. “It’s just, I still keep wondering how she found me! She doesn’t have my new last name, she has no idea what I look like and for all she knew she could have thought that I was in Japan!”

  “Well, maybe she does have some links to you like I was saying before,” Asher said. “Maybe if we look through her friends or something.”

  I nodded my head at that idea and Asher started scrolling through her friends. It was quiet while he did so, but after a minute of looking, his green eyes grew giant.

  “What happened?!” Ronnie and I asked at the same exact time.

  “Remember when I got a call from a woman telling me that I she was my grandmother?” He questioned.

  “Obviously,” I replied.

  “She’s one of your moms Facebook friends.”


Hey everyone! Who saw that coming? I did, had it planned since the beginning :P Haha!

I'm so sorry that I've been so slow on updating guys! It's just that I was at my dads place all week and there is no wireless there and no wireless means no Internet for my laptop. Good part about that though: 1. I got to see my daddy :P and 2. I got TONS of writing done!

So, what did you guys think of the chapter? Please comment and vote to make me super happy!

Oh and song of the chapter is Love Is Endless by Mozella. I LOVE this song so much! It's so great! It's from one of my favorite movies, Life As We Know It.

Love you guys for reading!


The Three Of Usजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें