I made him look at me because he was staring at the bedsheets constantly while mumbling to himself. Something that I couldn't make out. "What have you heard today?" I asked.

He again, went back to staring at bedsheets. "I was just passing through the kitchen this morning when I heard muffled and angry voices. It was coming from Aniston's room. I stopped and got a little close to the door to listen clearly. And I just... can't believe what I've heard."

My body stiffened at his words. My curiosity rose as well as a little fear of what's he gonna say next. I held my breath. "Tell me damn it."

And he started reciting.

It was George and (Aniston) Granny arguing about something, something very important. George was certainly pissed at something and Aniston was annoyed. But she had a upper hand.

"Why didn't you tell me anything before? You knew I didn't want her hurt but you go and do this!!!" George screeched. His voice was lacing with disappointment as well as anger.

"I had to, in order to keep it secret. She knows our truth Stephen and so does her boyfriend." Granny spat the words like venom. Clearly fuming at that moment.

"I told you to stay away from her. I love Lillian and I'll do anything to make her happy. And Claire is her life. They are my family-" George was ranting until Aniston cut him in mid sentence. She started cackling like a maniac, holding her stomach to give an extra effect, mocking George Cobble.

"Family? Family! It just doesn't suit your personality. Huh? What happened to your previous family. You Killed Them." Granny retorted back in menacing deep voice. Mocking him and blaming him.

"No no no no!!!!! I didn't killed Catherine.You pushed her. You were the reason she died. And Miles thought I did. He blamed me when, in reality, it was you." George put the blame on her, defending himself.

"Don't you forget Stephen. You wanted her dead. That's why I killed her. And Miles! He was just the pawn." She cackled once again. She had no remose of killing an innocent family.

"I didn't want them Dead. I never did. I just wanted money. All my life stucking between bad people and in constant poverty. I just wanted peace. But you had to go and fucked it up. Killing them both." George was a bit emotional now. Evidence of pain was clear in his voice. No doubt if he's telling the truth.

"Don't forget that whatever you are now is only because of me. You'll be rotting in prison and living in the gutter now if I wasn't there. I gave you a place to stay. I taught you how to make money." She threatened him.

"That's why I'm tolerating you. But I can't stand here and watch as you kill my daughter. I won't let it happen. You've already killed Catherine. Now you won't kill anyone."  George threatened her.

"Now please, don't you say you grew attached to Catherine." Aniston stated.

"I did. Now I love Lillian. And I won't just sit and watch as you hurt my family." George made his promise to save Claire and keep her safe. But the question was, for how long will he keep this promise?

My mouth was hung open and my eyes were wide. I was lost for words. My mind was still comprehending this new information. My heart was thuding. I didn't know what is right anymore. There were so many questions circling my mind. Granny had a possession over George the whole time. She was calling him by his first name, Stephen over and over. George didn't kill Catherine and Miles Odell. I've never even heard the voice blaming George for his death. The voice only blamed George for killing his mother. Miles was only assuming that George was the one to kill his mother. But he never was sure about it. It was her who did it. It was her who killed his mother. George didn't. George seriously in love with my mother. And that's why he didn't want me hurt. Because he didn't want to hurt my mother. He didn't care if I know his secret. He just wanted a family.

"I know what you're thinking Claire." Drew said, sighed in exasperation, rubbing his temple, squeezing his eyes shut. Tired of everything. I knew it's stressing for him. It was hard for him to believe everything as much hard it was for me. He spent two years thinking that George had killed his friend. That George was the bad one here. But he was wrong.

Granny was so clever. She put an innocent face from the very start and tried to show that George is the dominant one. Nobody would put a finger on her when they will blame George for everything. Alex and Drew thought it was all George's doing. When it wasn't. Even Miles thought that George killed his mother. She had always put George on front. She was the one lurking in the shadow.

We didn't need to be afraid from George anymore. But still he lied. He hid his identity from everybody. He also had his hands stained in Granny's crime. Technically he was as guilty as she was. But emotionally and if we take a moment to peek in his past, he was not guilty. He was just sinking in the quicksand of crime as much as he was trying to pull himself out. What do I expect now?

"So, what do we do?" I asked. Drew held his finger up, telling me to wait a moment as he reached over to his backpack and pulled it toward me. I watched as he unzipped it. My eyes widened as he pulled a hand gun out of it. A freaking gun.

"Whare did you get it?" I shouted in surprise as Drew clamped his hand over my mouth to hush me. I was freaking out now. I'd never seen a gun before from this close. It was just too much for me.

"It's just for precaution. You see. I have a license for it." Drew spoke as he held his hand toward me with a gun on it. He gestured me to hold it. But I didn't.

"C'mon hold it. It's for your own safety." I shook my head, pushing the gun away fom me. I didn't think if I could hold it. I didn't think, if it's a good idea.

"You have to use it eventually." He urged. I hesitantly grabbed the gun in my shaky hands as I stared at it. Who knew the time will come when I would have to use this gun.

"Let me show you how to use it!" Drew said and took the gun from me. He took all the bullets out and dropped them in my hand. "This is called Barrel and this is trigger. You just have to load it and aim it like this and pull the trigger. That's it." He gave me a demo with no bullets. Well, it wasn't that hard. I learned quickly.

"But remember one thing-" Drew said strictly. "-you won't shoot anybody, just scare them with the gun pointing on them. And if there's no other choice, so you'll shoot them on their legs and nowhere else." I nodded, taking his words into consideration. Of course I ain't gonna shoot anybody. It's just a precaution.

He put the bullets back in and shoved the gun in the drawer of the nightstand. And turned back to me. "Use that thing wisely. It's not a toy!" He said slowly. I nodded, biting my lips hesitantly as his eyes fluttering on my lips. He leaned in and I leaned back until my head hit the pillow. "I guess there's no escape now." He said seductively, smirking as he closed the gap between us, smacking his incredibly soft lips on mine. I needed it.

I took a moment to appreciate how good of a kisser he is and how passionate Is this kiss. I melted into kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him even more close, as he slipped his tongue in, exploring my mouth.

Unfortunately, we had to pull apart to breathe. He rested his head on mine as I panted, my eyes never leaving his face. "Did you like it?" He asked to which I nodded, blushing. "Do you want more than this?" He smirked and I blushed furiously and pushed him away. Sitting up.

"Not now!" I winked at him. I didn't know he could get dirty sometimes.
"I'm hungry." Drew whined as he was laying beside me in his stomach. I knew what he was talking about. Little brat.

"I told you not now." I said again confirming my point.

"Oh-no! I'm not talking about that.  I'm just really hungry. My tommy's empty." Oh, so I decoded wrong.

"Don't be a whiney teenager. Just order a pizza or something." I suggested, ruffling his hairs.


( IF you're confuse about names.
Granny-Aniston Cobble
George-Stephen George Cobble
Drew-Drew Barrone
Destiny-Destiny Barrone
Alex-Alex Black
Lillian-Lillian Moreno Cobble
The voice!/The boy-Miles Odell)

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