Drew untangled himself from me, straightening his clothes as he walked to the door. He was about to exit as he spoke. "I'll be back soon. Then we can start off where we left."

He smirked and walked out. I blushed, biting my lips and grabbed the pillow from beside me and hugged it too tight, burying my head in soft cotton, turning ruby reď. I was squealing right now. These butterflies were wild now. The blush never leaving my face as I squeezed the pillow so hard But it didn't last long.

My body stiffened and eyes turned wide as I heard a scream, grunt and thud. Painful scream of Drew. Drew!  My throat turned dry and my fingers cracked as I threw the pillow away jumping on my feet and making or limping my way toward Drew. My heart started beating faster and faster, and tears escaped my eyes freely as I staggered to the hallway with my aching leg. I started sobbing hysterically. Drew's pain filled scearm reverberated in my ears over and over, making my mind blow in unknown fear. Fear of what I would find. Dark thoughts started clouding my mind. As I couldn't comprehend the reason behind that scream. My heart was pounding as I took shallow breathing. Gulping and grunting in pain whenever I step my injured foot on cold hard ground.

I reached at the end of the corridor as I heard a groan. I gulped and turned the corner. Fearing the most. My breathing caught in my throat as my eyes landed on a barely conscious Drew, laying on the floor. I could see dots of blood on the floor by Drew's head. My eyes turned water. Lips trembled. Skin crawled at the sight before me. A sense of dread washed over me as I saw the person who did this to my precious Drew. The person was none other than Granny. She was standing behind Drew in tight black clothes covering from head to toe with black leather gloves on, holding a baseball bat in her hand. A fucking baseball bat.

"Run! Run!! Run!!!" The voice in my head screaming at me to run and save my life. But I just couldn't. I felt my legs paralyzed and I frozen in the fear. My mind came out blank. I didn't even make a noise. I was unable to move. She was smirking at my fear stricken face as she tightened her grip on the bat, ready to swing any time.

I squeaked in surprise as I heard Drew's voice. "Get out of here. Claire! Run! Run!" He groaned, alerting me. He was barely keeping his eyes open as blood was leaking through the wound on his head.

I nodded quickly as my feet came into action but my mind was still frozen in the fear. I turned around and dragged myself back toward my very room. I guess my only escape. I couldn't get out because Granny had blocked my only way out. I had no other choice except locking myself in my room like a pathetic coward I was. And maybe, waiting for someone to come and save me and Drew. We're fucked up so bad this time and I could see no way getting out of this. I had no phone in my room. Drew's phone was with him but he's unconscious right now. I was sweating and shivering now. She's going to kill us tonight.

I successfully reached to my bedroom unharmed at least until now. My leg was on fire. I was barely holding myself in standing position. But I guess the pain in my leg is least of my concern in this situation. I quickly got inside but got startled the very second I turned around to closed the door. Granny was standing right in front of me, with the bat resting on her shoulder. She had a wicked smug on her face. And her eyes fuming. I could see my fear stricken face in them. I could clearly sense how bad she wanted to kill me right now. And she was going to enjoy that. My face turned pale and my throat dry. I stared at her without blinking. Blinding in utter fear. I guess that's what death feels like.

Waiting for death to come and consume us is worse than death itself.

"Are you going somewhere, honey?" She tilted her head a bit to the side, trying to look confuse. Mocking me. I was dumbfounded. I wanted to say something. Something, anything. Maybe cry out for help. Maybe beg her to let us go. Maybe give her a piece of my mind. But nothing happened, only sound of her sneer laugh reverberated in eerie quiet Cobble Mansion. The wall of Cobble Mansion were stained with innocent's blood. First Odells family and now it's us who were going to meet the same fate as them.

My mind was occupied by so many dark thoughts that I didn't even see when she swung the bat to my side. I screamed as excruciating pain run through my body as her bat made contact to my body. I fell to the ground, grunting, breathing hard, gripping my side, eyes squeezed shut, gritting teeth. It didn't take her long when she striked my back again. She may or may not laughed as she did it. But I knew she was enjoying beating me. I laid there unable to do anything. My screams and her cackles were the only sound in the air. I wondered if someone hear me and come to my rescue.

Blurred images started flashing before my eyes. I shook my head, blinked my eyes a couple of times but it never fade away. Taking over my mind, blocking out the reality, sending my trouble soul to the dark abyss.

"You thought you can escape me." Granny sneered swinging the bat on the poor boy lying on the floor, shaking and shivering, taking every brutal blow that come toward Him, abusing his innocent body. As he grunted in pain. Sobbing.

The Cobble Mansion was covered under death silence. The Windows were closed. So no voice could sneak out. The angel was trapped in hell. Demon was winning.

She circled him, eyed him, dragging the bat on the ground behind her around him. Thinking god knows what. George was standing by the end of the stairs, hand crossed, wearing a Solemn expression. Eyes glossy. Doing nothing, watching them. He had no expression on. Whether he was enjoying it or not. There was nothing. He was looking like a puppet on the show.

"Your end will end all our misery. I've worked so hard building all of these. And you think you can destroy it." She said, hovering over him. But he couldn't do anything. He'd been drugged. He'd been beaten. And now he was on his knees. He was hurt. He' was tired. He's done. His mind telling him to run! Run! Run! But his body refusing him. Who would have guessed that it would be Miles Odell's end. Too far young to die. Too innocent to go through all the shits. No one deserved this tragic end.

Only one thing crossing his mind the all time. 'I wonder if someone hear me and come to my rescue'. With that thought he closed his eyes.

I was ready to take another painful strike but it never come. She stopped?  Maybe she still had left some humanity in her. Maybe she had had enough. Maybe she's done. A little hope rose in my heart when I heard cackling sounds of her heel on the ground. She's walking away. Where was she going?

I wondered, the whole time why did the voice not say anything? Why was it so quiet? I balled my fist as I heard her coming again. My eyes widened as I saw her dragging Drew's unconscious body toward me. Tears freely fell from my eyes. Why did I dragged Drew in this mess? He doesn't deserve it. I tried to get myself into sitting position at least but it rendered useless. I cried out as my sides burned in pain. I bit my lips to suppress the pain. But it's futile. There was nothing I could do to lessen the pain. She dumped him in front of me as she stood proudly admiring what she had done.

I quickly crawled my way to Drew, wrapping my arms around him in an attempt to save him somehow. Shaking him, waking him, whispering to him. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I broke down in tears when he didn't wake up. I was so scared now. So alone. "Drew!!! Wake up. Please don't le-leave-e me."

I felt rage burning inside me as I hold Drew's unconscious body in my bruised arms. Fuck the fear. I could care less. I whipped my head toward Granny. I could feel adrenaline rushes through my vein.

"What'd you do to him?" I screamed at her from the top of my lungs as I breathed heavily, my fist clenched.

"He won't hear you anymore honey." She smiled sympathetically at me. And I wanted nothing more than just to slap that smile off of her face. I glared at her with pure hatred in my eyes. Maybe I'm afraid of dying but I'm not afraid of her. She's done enough damage to me. I won't allow her anymore.

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