Chapter 10- first mission

Comenzar desde el principio

"Why do we need this?" The female asked, only to receive a distasteful grunt.

"We can't go charging through the front doors." Goro grabbed a large grappling hook and secured it on the other end of his rope, "which is why we use these." He threw it up high into the air, the hook caught onto the balcony of the auction house. The black haired male tugged on the rope a few times to check if it was safe. "Now...get a move on and tie yourself up." (F/n) reluctantly did as he said and threw her grappling hook up to the balcony, it was only on the third time that it stayed. The two vigilante members climbed up the wall of the auction house, a breeze picked up and (f/n) swayed slightly. They were both half way until (f/n) felt the knot around her waste loosen. Her eyes widened at the feeling and her grip on the rope tightened out of instinct, Goro was already climbing over the balcony railings, thinking that she wasn't far behind. Suddenly gravity turned against the female thief and she clung to the rope for dear life, her mouth only letting out slight choked sounds. She knew she had to stay quiet at all times, she didn't want to be the cause of the mission failing.

"Shit!" She whispered underneath her ragged breathing, panic overrunning her senses. Her eyes locked onto the long drop that would most likely cause death. (F/n) looked back up when she felt a slight tug at the rope, Goro was looking down with an angry look on his face.

"Must you always need saving!" He whisper yelled and (f/n) glared back at him, "just climb up the rope!"

"It's harder than it looks!" The female rose her voice a little louder, but was immediately shushed by Goro. Feeling as if his eyes could literally stab her, (f/n) groaned as she pulled her body up the rope. Gravity wasn't really her friend at the moment, but at least she was actually getting somewhere. Suddenly she felt a large hand grab her shirt and yanked her up onto the balcony, her feet however was just hovering over the ground. Her eyes level with Goro's cold purple ones, but they were so close that she could feel his warm breath on her face.

"If we fail this mission I'll make sure you will get a broken bone next time in training." His low growl sent a wave of shock down the female's spine, his voice sounded as if he actually meant every word. Goro lowered (f/n) to the floor and the two once again set off into the mission.

The auction house was rather dark and quiet, despite the fact that there was an illegal auction happening. The only thing breaking the silence was the small pitter patter of (f/n)'s and Goro's feet on the carpeted floor. The black haired male looked down at his phone and scanned the map that was presented on the screen, his head darted up and abruptly pointed over to a door. "That's the room where they keep all of the items that are being auctioned off." (F/n) nodded her head and silently opened the door, her head poked through a small gap and checked for any signs of movement. Once she was certain that the cost was clear, the two slipped into the room. "Look for this painting." Goro showed her a picture on her phone. The style was almost life like and was of a woman with long black hair looking away dejectedly with a closed aura around her. There was some sort of sadness coming from the painting, even through a screen, and her eyes showed a hint of regret. Just looking at the picture of the target painting made (f/n) think about how sad the artist might of been, they would have been feeling worse with it stolen away and put into auction.

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