"It's not always what it seems, Mom. I know it's hard to believe. I was hard for me too. But I know her better." I replied, my voice quivered in last sentence. Remembering what she's doing to me. "She's good at masking, mom. She's very good at masking. I was even fool enough to fall for it" I mumbled gritting my teeth.

Her eyes teared up. She knew I wasn't lying. She knew I never lied to her. "What else has she done?" She asked firmly, gritting her teeth, clenching her fists.

"She....she has been d-drugging me. I know she does. Because whenever I skip breakfast, I feel my body shaking and shivering, unknown thoughts starts clouding my mind, It's getting hard for me to cope with it anymore. She drugged me through breakfast." I sniffled, telling her about my feelings. How much afraid I was. How much tired I was. How much I had been through in this couple of months.

"Does George know?" She asked as her lips quivered as well. This time I saw her broken face. So pain and betrayal. And if I told her about George too, she wouldn't cope. She will breakdown once again like she did, when dad died. I couldn't tell her.

"No!" This is the first time I lied to her. Because I was selfish. Because I didn't want to lose my mom again. I understand.

"I'm calling the cops on her." She said blatantly, as she pulled her phone out and punched the numbers. My eyes widened.

"No! Don't! Mom no. It-it-it-it's not tthe right thing to do now. We-we n-need proof against her." I stuttered anything that come out of my mouth at that moment to stop her. She did. And put the phone away.

"I have a proof. Your blood sample. The drug she has pushed in your veins, would be evidence against her." She said, gritting teeth. She was smart. I've never thought of that. Maybe because I was too busy in bawling my eyes out.

"But I need to tell George about her. Maybe he's keeping things from me." It would have been a great idea if he wouldn't be a bad guy. But there he was. The real badass.

"No mom. You can't talk to George about this now. Just wait for..... for I don't know, for the right moment." I chose my words carefully. Because I didn't know what would they do if they find out that mom knows.

She sighed, gripping her head in her hands. I heard her mumbling 'I never expected something like this'. As expected. I got nothing to say now. I don't think so.

Mom got up abruptly from the chair, gripping her phone in her hand. "I'm going out. I need some time to think, dear. And.......there's is still left few hours until they come visit you. I would be by your side, every time." She shot me a quick smile and kissed my forhead before walking out.


It's been half an hour and mom didn't come back yet. I'm slightly getting worried for her now. I knew half hour was not enough to take it all in. My mind kept wandering to the next door. How's Alex doing right now? Has he awake yet? How deep are his wounds?

There was still a good few hours left until they come. Hell, it was only seven in the morning. What do I do now? I hated hospitals. It gives me creep. I didn't wanna be here. I wanted to be in Drew's embrace. I wanted to see Alex. I wanted to know how is he?

I heard the door to my room opened and clanking noise of heels echoed. I sighed in relief. Mom was back.

"I couldn't wait anymore." My eyes turned wide when I heard menacing raspy voice. No way.

I gulped as I saw, who was standing at the end of my hospital bed. My body turned cold when I saw.... Granny, mischievous smirk, one hands on her hips, strutted toward me.

"Did you miss me?" She said in mocking way as she sat on the chair beside me. Where are you, mom? Please come back. I prayed silently in my head. I started crying but didn't let her know. I was shaking so bad now.

"Of course you did." She said when I didn't say anything, paralyzed in fear. Just staring at her with wide eyes. I flinched at her every move.

"You know, you're alive, coz George doesn't want you to get hurt. I don't know what your mom did to him, but now he doesn't want any of you hurt." She spat the words, gripping my chin tightly, digging her filthy nails deep in my skin. As she practically towered over me, standing up from the chair. And I felt like a lost child in abandoned street.

"But he doesn't know about your precious Drew. So I can end his misery-" "No!! Please don't! Leave him alone! Please! Please" I begged. Struggling under her grip crying hysterically.

I screamed as she pinched the needle with her other hand in my vein. Pain rushed in my whole body as I squirmed. Clenching my eyes shut. Sobbing and begging.

"If you make another noise, you'll get it worse." She growled in my ear as she pinched the needle again, blood started pouring out of it. I stiffened my cry, biting my lips. "So I can't kill you now. But I can play a little with you, yeah?" She asked over excited. She's insane.

I shook my head repeatedly. My body was shaking in fear and pain. I couldn't see no escape. She had pinned me down on the bed, scratching me up here and there, teasing the needle, that was in my hand. "Oh, so you're a cutter. How pathetic of you." She spat on my face. As she saw lined scars on my hands. I only cried. Unable to do anything.

"Your precious Drew hasn't woken up yet. And Doctors are saying he might go in comatose state if he didn't wake up in twenty four hours." She said grinning on my face. Oh my god. Alex hadn't woken up yet. I burst out crying once again.

"Oh don't cry my dear. I'm going to end his suffering. Although I don't want anymore blood on my hands." She wiped my tears, fake concerning and got off of me, pinching the needle one last time as she strutted toward Alex's room.

"NO! NONONONO!!!!!!" I ignored the pain that was in my hand and screamed at her to leave Alex alone. But she didn't.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to save Alex. Or she will kill him. This is the time. Now or never. I already had endured enough pain that ripping needle from my hand won't hurt that bad. I ripped the needle and threw the IVs away and scrambled off the bed. My knees felt weak as I tried to stand. Tears escaping my eyes non stop. And I was struggling to stand on my shaky feet. I couldn't walk even two steps as I fell to the floor, hard, face first. My left leg is broken. I couldn't even walk. I groaned in pain.

I saw through my blurred vision as two nurses rushed in and helped me get up and despite my deny, they laid me down on the bed and pushed some sort of clear liquid in my vein and connected the IVs to my wrist after some difficulty as I struggled against them.

"You don't understand....I. Need. To. Save. Alex." My eyes turned drowsy as my movement softened. Suddenly I felt lightheaded. I felt myself falling in deep slumber.

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