I looked at the seat next to me, only to see that it was still empty. I felt as scowl appear on my face as I realized that it was actually possible that Asher had come into the classroom while I was asleep. Dang him for not waiting for me to wake up.

  As the class started to get really empty, I rubbed my eyes and stretched a little bit. I grabbed my books and walked out of the classroom. The halls were filled with students rushing to second period. Out of all of those faces, not one of them was Asher Blame’s.

  But I was sure of one thing; I was going to find him.


  A sigh of relief escaped my mouth when the final bell of the day went. My last class of the day was history, which is a synonym for snooze fest. However, something kept me awake for that class. And that was the fact that all day I hadn’t seen Asher.

  Ever since Asher started coming to Everlock, he’s had a perfect attendance record. He came to class early every morning, and for some odd reason, he hadn’t come today. Between classes I had even texted him to see if he was sick or something and with every text I apologized. I still felt horrible because of what I had said to him.

  I shook my head quickly to snap back to reality. I knew that either him or I was going to have to get over it first, and by the looks of it, we were both failing miserably.

  I grabbed my books and walked out of class, my hiking boots squeaking on the ground. I made my way to my locker so I could go get my back, and on my way there, the second person I had to see at the moment passed by me.

  “Avery!” I called after him. He didn’t stop walking, which caused my eyebrows to furrow. “Avery!” I repeating, my voices tone loud yell now.

  He began running at full speed. I couldn’t believe it. Avery had always seemed to be somewhat scared of me, and now he was speeding down the hall to get away from me. Well, I knew one thing for sure: he was not going to get far before I caught him.

  I started running madly after him, clutching onto my math textbook so it wouldn’t come out of my grasp. I dashed down the hall, turning corners gracefully. Let’s just say this wasn’t the first time I had to track someone down.

  Soon, Avery began to slow down, probably getting tired. I had to admit, a burning sensation was beginning to create in my lungs. I wasn’t going to give up though. Not today.

  Suddenly, he just stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of the hall. I’m not sure if he was just trying to be dramatic or something, but that wasn’t going to work with me. I rammed right into him, dropped my books and grabbed him by the collar of his short. I even lifted him off the ground a little bit as I gave him the death glare.

  I couldn’t help but smirk from satisfaction as I noticed the terrified look that Avery had been hiding from me.

  “Avery,” I hissed through gritted teeth. My eyes were narrowed into slits, just adding to the scary effect. “Do you know where Asher is?”

  “He’s not at school,” He replied with a really squirmy tone.

  “Why isn’t he at school?” I asked him, not dropping my angry voice.

  Avery forced me to let go of him. His feet were back on the ground now and he had the most confused look on his face that I had ever seen. “Ronnie, you honestly think he’d come to school after what happened?!”

  I raised an eyebrow. “What?” I said. “Avery, we just got in a fight! I said some bad things to him, but he can’t be that mad, right?”

  Again, the confused look was on Avery’s face. “What are you talking about?! Asher didn’t come to school because of you!”

  “Then why didn’t he come?!”

  His expression changed from confused to surprised. His eyebrows raised quite high and his mouth went in a perfect ‘O’. “He didn’t tell you?” He finally said.

  “No!” I replied, not even sure what Asher hadn’t told me. “Please just tell me Avery!”

  It took him a minute before he finally said, “It’s a really long story.”

  “I have the time.”



So, what'd you think? I hope you guys liked it! It was nothing that special, but at least I posted. :)

I have not much to say, so the song of the chapter is the first song I ever heard in my life, Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney! Heehee, love that song!

So please comment and vote to make me smile insanely!! :D:D:D:D:D:D Yup, just like that!

Love you guys, not in the weird way! Keep calm and read on!


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