"He got way more injuries than you and possible concussion. If I'm being true, The worst part of this he isn't awake yet. It's been almost twelve hours since the accident. But-I believe he will be fine." Tears slipped down my face. He was hurt. Because of me. It was not his war. But yet there he was fighting for me. He was hurt Because Granny wanted to kill Drew and me. Drew knew her dirty little secret. And she thought Alex is Drew. Because he was with me this morning. How sick.

"I wanna see him mom. I need to see him. I need to make sure, he's ok. That he's not in d-danger." I mumbled to her. Because I had no energy left in me to speak anymore. I was afraid because he wasn't moving. He wasn't moving when I called out to him in the wrecked car.

"Just relax honey. You need to relax. He's fine. Claire! Claire listen to me, he's fine. Don't stress yourself. The doctors are here, he's getting better treatment. He will be fine in no time." She cooed me. Feeding me sweet nothings. But my heart was sinking down to my stomach thinking maybe he's fine but Granny would kill him if she find out about him. He was fine but he wasn't out of danger.

"You don't understand m-mom. Y-you don't understand. H-he w-wasn't moving. I called out to him b-but he wasn't answering. He's not fine. I need to see him. He would be alone." I cried unable to do anything, kicking my feet helplessly. As my body was screaming in pain. All my movements were failing miserably. As I couldn't get myself to sit up. Calm down. Just calm down.

"Hush! He's fine. Claire! You're fine. Everything is fine. His mother is with him now. She'll take good care of him. He's not alone. Don't stress yourself over it. You need to relax. I'm right here." She soothed me in calm voice strocking my head, calming this unsettling feeling in my heart. I was about to get a panic attack. How was she so calm in this situation?

I did calm down eventually. I tried to shut my mind completely. And laying quietly on the hospital bed gripping the sheet between my fingers, crumbling it. Mom broke the news. That I didn't want to hear.

"George visited you this morning when you were asleep. He was genuinely worried about you. Granny and him will visit again tomorrow. She couldn't met you because she got scratched a bit by tripping off some stairs this morning." I didn't want to meet either of them. They're monsters. I couldn't be more agree with the voice. I was sure they would want to kill me the second chance they get. They were vile. And I knew very well, how she got a little scratched up. She was faking it.

"Would you be there when they come?" I asked innocently. Fearing if she would leave me alone. I don't wanna be alone anymore.

"I will! I would never leave your side. Now you rest while I got myself some coffee." I nodded. As she left.

I sighed. I was sure mom didn't eat anything since she found out I'm in car wreck. She would be dying inside. Because that was how dad died. Car crash. And she didn't want to lost another person that is close to her in car crash.

My tirades of thoughts interrupted as the door to my ward opened quietly. Mom was so fast. My breath caught in my throat when I raised my head a bit to see. A fair masculine figure covering from head to toe in black hiding their face under hoodie. I thought visiting hours are over few hours ago considering it's too late now.

I almost screamed as they revealed their face. Drew! Drew! His eyes were red and puffy from crying and lips quivering slightly. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. He rushed toward me and carefully but hurriedly wrapped me in his embrace. Squeezing me a little. We both broke down in tears instantly. I missed him so much. I was scared and I wanted him here. I tightened my grip around him as much as my fragile body allow me. Never leaving him afraid if I loose him. And he was thinking the same.

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