Chapter 39

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Authors note---
I'm skipping ahead a few days or even a week as nothing really went on, so here we go! Hope you enjoy!
Katherine's POV
I wake up to the sound of William crying from the other side of the room.
I get out of bed and check the time on the clock next to the bed: 4:56 AM.
I groan and walk over to my restless baby who is in need of a diaper change and bottle feed.
I get him out of the crib and cradle him as I walk to the kitchen with him.

I turn on the coffee maker also as I know I won't get back to sleep now, not when William is awake. He always wakes up early for some reason, usually around 5 AM for a bottle and change, so I usually just stay up until Joe gets up. 

I put him on my other arm as I take his bottle from the microwave and I make sure it isn't too hot- which it is right now, so I decide to change his diaper while it cools slightly.

I take him into his nursery which he can't sleep in for another couple weeks yet because he's still too young to sleep on his own, and place him on the changing unit.

The stench of poop fills the room and as I wretch at the smell and take off the diaper, he begins to wiggle around.
"No, William do- don't do that!" I say and place him back in the position he was in before. "Oh god look what you've done now! You have poop all over your back and legs, that's gross baby." I shake my head and sigh, grabbing the wipes and baby powder.

When I finish up changing him, we go into the living room again and I give him his bottle as I drink my coffee.
Jeremy Kyle is put on the tv from my recordings I've done, and I sit and watch it quietly, while the sun rises and I can still hear Joe snoring over the top of the tv.

After about three hours of various episodes of JK, I can finally hear Joe waking up. A groan, yawn, squeak of the bed and then footsteps coming towards our bedroom door. The door opens and he comes and sits next to me.
"Morning." He says, hugging me and taking William from me. He is in no way a morning person. I laugh and shake my head at him, and watch tv again.

Joe's POV
As I wake up, I feel the bed next to me to see if Katherine was still in bed. She wasn't. I look over to see the empty bed, and Williams empty crib. They must be in the living room.

I yawn and stretch, then go quiet to see if I can hear anything coming from the living room.

"No, that's not the point here! You got this girl pregnant and you're leaving her? Disgusting. You're not a good role model for your son are you mate? Look at you, you don't even care do you?" I hear Jeremy Kyle playing in the living room, so I get up to go in there also.
Katherine is sitting on the sofa watching the tv and feeding William his bottle while trying to drink her coffee as well.
My wife is great at multitasking, I can tell you that.

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