Chapter 33

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Katherine's POV
My labour was progressing so quickly, it was over before I even knew it.

I dug my fingernails into my thighs as I bit down on my hospital gown to prevent me from screaming out loud.
A small shriek slipped out, causing Joe to rub my head and grab my hand.
"You can do this babe. I believe in you." He whispered into my ear, kissing it.
"Eight, nine ten okay breathe, breathe." The nurse says as she pushes my foot further back on the rests either side of me.
"It hurts so bad oh my god." I whimper, wiping a tear from my cheek.

I feel another contraction coming, and I instantly react. I grab behind my legs, suck in my breath and scream at the overtaking pain rushing through my body.

It's like a burning sensation, more painful than I could ever imagine, and it was hurting from my shoulders, back, butt and waist down.

"Okay Katherine one last push!" The Doctor calls from the other end of the bed.
I hold my breath and push as hard as I can, resulting in a wave of fatigue wash over me.
I really did it. I gave birth.

I look up at Joe in utter excitement and shock, and when I hear the crying from my- our- baby across the room, I break down into tears of happiness.

"You did it babe. I am so proud of you." Joe kissed my sweaty forehead, after wiping it dry, and smiles down at me.

"I did it." I whisper, and my baby boy is placed on my chest, wrapped up in a blue blanket.

I gaze down at him in awe, and analyze every part of his face; his nose, eyes, mouth, ears, cheeks, I fall in love with it all.

"So what's the name for this adorable lil guy?" The doctor asks, coming over to us all smiley.

Joe and I look at each other.

"William." We say in sync. It wasn't a special name to us in any way, we just loved it for our baby. We had already discussed the names we would choose from, out of William, Mason, George, Tyler or Freddie.
William was the name for our baby, we decided, and we were so proud of it. And we fell in love with him instantly.

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