Chapter 19

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Joes POV
I was in the middle of having a full blown panic attack, as was Zoë. She passed out, Alfie grabbing her under the arms and laying her down on the sofa.
Eventually, she woke up and began crying into my shoulder, saying "see you at the hospital."
Our father, our rock, our hero had passed away. I was devastated, distraught. My world had come crashing down in front of me. And all we could do was mourn.
How would I explain it to the viewers? How long will I go without posting a video, or a daily vlog?
I had to tell them sooner rather than later, and for some reason I thought it would be a great idea to tweet them about it now, in the car, on the way to the hospital to see my dead father.
'I'm sorry everyone, there'll be no video this week. I have a damn good explanation, and it's really hard for Zoë and I to deal with this and accept this. Our dad has sadly passed on, and we are taking this time to mourn. Thanks for understanding X'
I pressed tweet. Reading over the message I posted, I begin to cry again. Katherine grabs my hand, squeezing it.
"Stay strong. I know you can get through this baby. It's what your dad would have wanted. He wouldn't have wanted you and Zoë to be upset, would he? Do it for me, our little baby that's on the way, Zoë, and most importantly, your father. He loves you endlessly, as do I." She says, and that's all I need. She is right. My dad wouldn't have wanted me to be crying. He wouldn't have wanted us to be sad.
I believed in myself and Zoë, we could get through this, no matter how hard it is going to be. It's a battle everyone has to fight at some point, and now it was our turn. We need to stay strong and soldier through this. We can do it.

Katherine's POV
My heart shattered whenever I saw joes broken face. He was devastated, and so was Zoë. I mean, he was their father. I couldn't even imagine what it must feel like. He was my father in law, and it hurt like hell to lose him. I felt so terrible that Zoë and Joe had to go through this pain.
We were headed to the hospital for one last meeting before Graham's body is in waiting for a funeral. I am going to try my best to help out with organizing the funeral, but it is going to be hard, I know that. But I can't let Zoë and Joe do all the organizing.
Alfie and I will have to help too. 
I was also focusing on my baby. All this stress and emotion couldn't be doing him much good in there. I needed to calm down, and stay strong, for Joe- and Zoë.
I drove Joe to the hospital one last time, and he was on and off crying the whole journey. He must have been thinking about everything, and replaying it over and over and over again. That's what I do. It's what causes most of my anxiety.

We arrive in the parking lot, and I pull into a space, and we get out the car.
Zoë had parked next to us, and I hug her and tell her to stay strong before we go in.
I get a smile in return, as she grabs Alfie's hand and mouths a 'thank you' to me.

We walk into the hospital room where Graham was, and we just stare.
He was pale and his mouth was droopy. His eyes were closed, and his pale hands lay motionless on the bed beside his breathless body.
I squeezed joes hand as he whispers to his dad,
"I'll love you forever. I'll never forget you. You're my dad, and I love you. Thank you for everything." That set me off crying, I leant into joes shoulder and quietly cried, and he layed his head on mine and wiped both our tears, and Zoë says a little speech to her dad also.

Alfie's POV
We were all stood in the room, Graham's dead body laying in front of us. I couldn't even imagine how Zoë and Joe must feel right now, I can feel my eyes welling up as well.
Katherine was crying and hugging Joe. Zoë was holding my hand, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks at Graham.
I allow a tear to slip from my eyes, and squeeze Zoë's hand.

We spent a few minutes in there, before doctors come in to cover the body over with a white sheet. They unplug the wires, and all the machines are turned off.
This is it for good now. He's gone. And I feel helpless. I don't know what I'm going to say to either of them, but I know I need to talk to Katherine about funeral arrangements.

I also wanted to take the three of them, poppy, Sean and my mum and dad also on a holiday, to clear our heads and to get a little break from the world.
I planned to get home, make Zoë some tea or hot chocolate, dinner, and look for holiday resorts.
They all deserved this holiday. They've gone through so much already, they need a break. So do I.

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