Chapter 8

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Zoë's POV
I rushed straight over to Katherine and Joes the next morning, as I was escorted by police at the scene.
I had no clue what had gone on, as neither of them had been on their phones, let alone their social medias since the incident.
It was 10AM, and I was fully dressed but with no makeup, and my hair tied into a messy ponytail.
I decided to walk there, as it was sunny and fairly warm, and it was getting me some extra exercise.
Before I left the house, I fed Nala and let her out, then gave her a treat and took her upstairs to Alfie and shut her in our bedroom with him.
Then I ran downstairs, grabbed an apple and my headphones, and headed out the door.
It took about ten minutes to walk to their apartment, and I was getting this anxious feeling inside the pit of my stomach.
What if they both hate me now for taking Daniel to see her, or that I didn't go with him? Or that I hadn't text either of them to see if they were okay?
I had made many mistakes in my life, but this was definitely in the top five, surely.
I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. I heard the key unlock the door and it open just a crack.
"Zoë!" Katherine cried, and threw her arms around my neck. So she wasn't against me then?
"Katherine! I'm so sorry for everything. Absolutely everything. I should have come to the apartment with him, I should have text you or tweeted you, I should have done so much, but I didn't... I regret everything. I'm so sorry this happened to you." I rushed, ending in me collapsing into a puddle of tears in front of her front door.
"Oh, Zoë! Come inside, we can talk more in there about it all." She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the floor, shutting the front door behind us.
"I'm really sorry, again. I clearly wasn't thinking straight when he texted me yesterday, I told him I would pick him up and bring him over here, he wanted to 'catch up' with you. That's what he said to me, anyways. I was just so stupid." I cried, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.
"Ssh, Zoë, it's okay. I don't hate you, if that's what you were thinking. Just, when that douche tells you anything ever again, don't believe him. He's nothing but bad news and bad luck, anywhere he goes. I still love you, you're my best friend, why wouldn't I?" She hugged me, passing me a tissue.
"Whats all the crying and hugging about?" Joe said groggily, coming out of the bedroom, wiping the sleep from his eyes. " oh, hey Zo." He said, walking into the kitchen.
"Hi." I said weakly.

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