Chapter 24

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Katherine's POV
*1 month after the funeral*
I was watching Jeremy Kyle on the tv. Joe was at a meeting, then we were going to get some more baby items.
We were going to start decorating the baby's nursery soon, so I decided it would be good to look on the Internet for some things; wallpaper, crib, changing table, things like that.
I heard my phone ringing from the kitchen island, so I run- waddle- over to answer it, it was Zoë.
"Hi Zo! What's up?" I answer the phone.
"Hi Kath! I was just thinking, we need a girly day. Fancy going out for lunch or something this afternoon?" She asked.
"Of course! That would be really nice. I haven't seen you in so long. How have you been feeling?" I ask her, going to sit back down again.
"I've been doing good recently, starting to get back on my feet again I think. YouTube and blogging has helped massively as well." She explained, "I've just had a great idea." She proudly states.
"What's that?"
"Well, how would you like to film a video with me on... Let's see, tomorrow? If he wants, Joe can film with us as well."
"Yes! Definitely!" I exclaim, happy to be featured in a video.
"Okay, well, be ready soon and I'll come and pick you up. We could go to a restaurant on the pier or in the lanes if you want, yeah?"
"I don't mind to be honest, so you surprise me." I laugh.
"Okay, see you soon! Bye!"
"Bye Zo."
We hung up and I go back to online shopping. I found this really cute blue and yellow wallpaper with owls on it. I added it to my basket and scrolled through some more, just in case there was more that I liked.
I found two more, one green one with a balloon print on, and another blue one but with a baby bottle and diaper print on it.
Then I found a plain white changing table with colored handles and mattress type thing on top of it. I added that to basket.
Then a plain white crib and wardrobe.
We decided on white wood for everything wood. It looks so neat and tidy, I think.
Then I went to go and get ready to go out with Zoë. I had no clue where we were going, but I wanted to look presentable, of course.
Most of my wardrobe consisted of maternity clothes now, seeing as I was seven months pregnant now. I picked out a maroon stretchy top, some black leggings and adidas shoes. I did my hair in two Dutch braids on the sides of my head and applied some makeup.

 I did my hair in two Dutch braids on the sides of my head and applied some makeup

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