Chapter12: 

Start from the beginning

"Awe how sweet of you. Thanks Kiki" she says. I give her the tray and take the camera. I turn it off.

Is it by her on the bed and go on my computer.

"why are you vlogging today? Thought we filming a tag?" Courtney asks.

"It's for tomorrow." I answer.

she mouths the word 'o' and eats her breakfast.

When we finally get to filming it's 11am. We are sitting in front of the Christmas tree, on two kitchen chairs. I have the short list of questions.

1:Is christmas your favorite holiday?

2:What's a family tradition you having to do with christmas?

3:Favorite childhood memory?

4:favorite christmas movie?

5:Favorite Christmas story?

I reviewed the questions in my head and Courtney read them over my shoulder.

"I'm scared. What if I sound stupid?" Courtney says concerned.

"Don't be. It's just you and me. We are editing it later so you need to worry if you stutter or say something that makes no sense. Trust me it happens." I say. She gives me a thankful smile and I turn on the camera.

"Hey guys, what's up? It's kian and this is my beautiful girlfriend..."

"Courtney!" she says and waves.

"And welcome to the first day of CHRISTMAS VLOGS!"

"Today we are doing a short tag to kick it off. It's a Christmas tag!"

"And we tag you to answer the questions along with us in the comments or as a video response." Courtney says.

I look at her in shock.

"Youre a natural." I say with my jaw dropped. She blushes and we continue.

"Okay let's get to it."

"Question number 1, Is Christmas your favorite holiday?" Courtney starts it off.

We take turns asking the questions and both answering. We just talk like we are talking to each other but looking at the camera. It's cool being able to do what I love with who I love. We finish up and we take a food break. Then we sit on the couch and Courtney leans her head on my shoulder. We sit criss cross and I show her the basics to editing. She tells me we should have a bloopers video at one point of the Christmas vlogs because by the end of this we will have so much. I laugh at her suggestion because of how perfect it was.

We also ended the vlog so we could start editing it. I let Courtney try and she was pretty good for her first time. We uploaded the video and watched 'Santa clause' with Tim Allen starring it's one my favorites.

*normal pov*

Me and kian filmed day 1 of the Christmas vlogs. I was scared at first then I was fun. Kian said I was a natural. I didn't see it, I've watched many videos so I just did what my instincts told me. Apparently my instincts were dead on.

Kian taught me the basics to editing and I got to edit tomorrow's vlog. It was hard at first but it was cool reflecting onto days events starting when kian woke me up with breakfast bed. It was sweet of him. At first I was embarrassed to look the way I did on the Internet after just waking up. But i thought of kian and how happy he was when i agreed.And if I can wake up on video and look that way I can do any video.

We ended our night watching 'Santa clause' with kian.I'm loving California.

The next day is boring. But we vlog it anyway. We do school work at kians house.

"I'm going to take a shower if you don't mind." I say getting up off of kians floor.

"Okiiie" kian says looking up from his computer.

I walk and get a towel from the hall closet. I head into the bathroom. I slowly undress and untie my curled hair.I take my shower and wash my face. The makeup left over from yesterday. I think about what I'm doing with the remainder of the day. We were planning on making a short dancing video. Basically us and Jc, Connor and Ricky making a foll of ourselves while dancing to Christmas music. And wanted to go visit my grandma and talk to Linda about how she doing. And I had to finish school work. I was trying to figure out how I was going to do it all.

I got out and dried my body and then put my hair up in my towel. I put on my black Nike sports bra and underwear. I realized I didnt have a clean shirt since I was still wearing the same shirt as yesterday's video.I knew kian would probably let me borrow something. I dry my hair and pull it up into a bun.I pulled on my sweats and rushed from the bathroom to kians room. Not wanting the boys to see me like this.

I am comfortable in my own body.Yes I could be more fit and watch what I eat better, but I do what I feel like. I'm comfortable in front of kian for obvious reasons.He's my boyfriend and he makes me feel secure. Of course I have my moments but for the most part I'm comfortable.

I go and look through his closet looking for a sweatshirt.I see tank top I like and look at it. I suddenly feel kians hands on me. Hugging me from behind. What a cutie. He started kissing my neck and turned me around and continued.He kissed up my jaw line and then leaned his forehead on mind.

"Study break?" he asked seductively.

I suddenly felt very attracted to him and his lips looked so kissable.I smashed mine against his and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Kian had his hands firmly on my butt. We kissed and barely breaking for breath. Kian slowly walked backwards toward his bed and sits, moving his computer off his bed. I sit on his lap, my legs wrapped around him. My hands going through his hair as we kiss. The kiss gets heated. His tongue begged for entrance and i let him in. He took my arms off of him, braking our kiss. He took off his shirt and continued. My hands ran up and down his toned torso.

I didn't think it would go that far but I was in the moment. His hands traveled to my waist grabbing my rolled sweatpants, right below my hips. When I realized what he was doing I grabbed his hands and put them on my hips. I didn't want to ruin the mood but I simply wasn't ready. Kian then stood up with me on him and flipped me over on my back on his bed. He gently grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. Short and sweet after that ordeal. He laid next to me with one arm propping up his head. He just looked at me. I couldn't read his emotions. It seemed like a mix of love struck and confusion.

I whispered "Sorry, I'm not ready for that yet." looking at him hoping he isn't mad.

He didn't say anything. He laid down resting his head on my stomach which was bare. I hadn't yet put a shirt on since his interruption. I sat there holding his hand. I took that as him forgiving me.

I sat up pulling up my sports bra and getting up and putting on a random sweatshirt from kians closet. I sit by kian finishing up my work as he edits a video. After while I notice it's 4:45 and dark.

"Want to go somewhere to eat then I need to head up to the hospital."I say

"Sure. Want to go to chipotle?" kian asks

"Okay!" I say and get up. I put on my uggs and grab my phone.

Kian gets up and fixes his hair. Puts on vans and a shirt. We both look pretty lazy but who the hell cares. He grabs his phone and keys and we leave.

"We are going to chipotle!" kian screams as we walk down the stairs causing a giggle from me.

"I wanna go!" jc yells from his room.

"Wait give me 5 minutes I want me some food too!" Ricky calls out.

"Can I come?" Connor asks politely from his doorway of his room.

"I don't see why not. Bring another car cause were going to visit my grandma after." I tell them.

We go sit and wait at the counter in the kitchen.


The discomfort while writing this

was so real! Lol. And sorry for the wait.I hope you understand! Please vote it only takes a second!

All I want is to love- Kian Lawley fanficWhere stories live. Discover now