"God I've been praying for this" Taehyung says. Jungkook stays quiet as the situation dawns on him.

It's happening. He's cheating on Yoongi with a smile on his face. It makes him sick. It makes him...

"Jungkook!" Taehyung races after Jungkook as he stumbles past the bunks into the main sitting area. The bus had previously come to a stop at a red light and Jungkook took the opportunity to burst through the doors and onto the grass off to the side of the road, hurling anything still in the depths of his stomach onto the green blanket before him. Taehyung fought his way past the smell of vomit as he rubs the younger's back and brushes his hair out of his face. The bus crawls slowly onto the grass and the engine is cut off as the boys exit to see what was going on. 

Unable to make a clear headed choice, Jimin digs through his pockets to get his phone, camera still in hand filming. The director had told him one thing and one thing only; film first, ask permission later.

"Yoongi-ah, does Jungkook have any stomach problems? Acid reflux? Anything like that?" Jimin is honestly worried, wanting to know if there is anything he can do, or tell Taehyung to do, to ease the boy's pain. At this point Jungkook is simply dry heaving, tears falling down his face as his body tries to discard any disgust left in his system.

"No, the only thing wrong with him is his rhinitis, but that's about it. He throws up when he's under extreme stress though. Why? Did something happen?" Jimin bites his lips as he watches Jungkook, now laying on his back on the side walk away from the bile.

"He started throwing up suddenly, right after he woke up. We haven't even had breakfast yet. But I'm sure it was something he ate yesterday."

"Oh my baby, can you put him on the phone? Is he alright?" Jimin turns off his camera and walks over to the area where everyone is gathered.

"Jungkook, Yoongi's on the phone. He wants to know if you're alright."

Jungkook stares at the phone in Jimin's hand, his heart beating rapidly. He wipes away the sweat from his forehead and reaches out his hand for the phone. His face is sickly pale and his breathing is erratic.

"Yoongi" Jungkook chokes on the name and he feels the sensation to puke again rise up to his throat, blocking out any other words.

"Everything alright baby? Is the ride stressing you out? You haven't even arrived in Gwangju." Yoongi asks, voice soft and soothing.

"I just don't feel good. I'll be okay by the time we have to perform. Don't worry about me. I love you." Jungkook quickly hands Jimin the phone before he can hear the guilt-inducing I love you too.

Taehyung let's out a deep sigh; not one of relief but rather, one of understanding. He knows why Jungkook threw up, he can't handle the guilt. He can't handle knowing that what he did last night is cheating. He had accepted his feelings as reality and that made the situation all the more real and his body just couldn't take it.

"Are you sure you'll be okay for tonight?" Jimin asks, learning down to lay a gentle hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. I just... I need to be alone."

"Watch Jungkook for me Jimin" Yoongi says into the phone as Jimin reenters the bus, Taehyung carrying Jungkook in behind him.

"Yes Yoongi I will." Jimin replies, his tone reminiscent of a child being scolded by their mother. 

" And Jimin-ah, watch out for yourself. Wash your hands alot. If it's a bug you could catch it, so be careful." Jimin smiles into his phone, hiding his face from the people around him.

"I will, I promise. But you need to worry about Jungkook not me." Flashes of Jungkook and Taehyung cuddling up with each other flash through his mind. He's here steering Yoongi not to waver from his commitment to his boyfriend yet Jungkook was just in bed with another man. It could have meant anything; he could have needed comfort after a nightmare, or maybe he went to see Taehyung because he had a stomach ache. There were so many reasons why they could have been in bed together. Jimin hates that he's jumping to conclusions this way.

"I care about you too Jiminnie? I've got nothing better to do so let me worry about you." Jimin's face lights up and he lets it happen. He's allowed to enjoy the attention from Yoongi, he's allowed to be happy for this moment, he's allowed to relish in his hyung's beautiful voice. 

"Thank you hyung, I miss you" Jimin let's it slip, feeling no guilt for saying it.

"I miss you too Jimin. We'll see each other soon, don't worry."

Hanging up the phone Jimin brings it to his chest and breaths out contently. He knows that Yoongi doesn't reciprocate his feelings but that didn't matter to him. What matters is that Yoongi hyung cares about him and their friendship is alive and well. 

*A/N* Woo another update! Twice in one week. I am proud of myself for getting back in the game. Don't stress guys, this will continue! 

Also, the video link above is probably a video that everyone has watched and you possibly already know that Taehyung doesn't say (Why am I here?) he says (Why are YOU here?) to Jungkook because he had gotten into his bed in the middle of the night. Jungkook's usual bunk is the top bunk. The translation is off, which happens often when translating anything with pronouns but for this story "Why am I here" worked for the moment alot better so I used that. Just to let you know before anyone comments that, I am fully aware of the translation mistake.

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