The End? maybe?

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Hey so I'm going to be stopping writing for awhile. I don't know how long for I just don't really find myself interested in writing and in not into all the shipping anymore. This could be a break or it could be permanent. I just want to focus on school and things. I've been thinking about doing this for awhile as I have previously said and I don't want to just leave you guys without an explanation. So here it is. I'm just not interested in this anymore. I'll still be floating around wattpad reading and showing my appreciation for people's work but I don't think I'll continue writing and if I do it won't be fanfiction. At first I was going to delete the book altogether but I don't think you guys would want me to do that and I am proud of some of the things in this book. I am sorry you had to waste your time on this shitty book and what is within it.

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