A bit of a rant

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You don't have to read this.

I have seen some people talking about their depression and self harm and shit like that in their books and I just want to say some of it is obviously fake. As I read it I can see the parts that are untrue and things like that. I'm not saying who or anything but stop posting about your depression and shit and go get real professional help. I am more than willing to talk to any of you struggling with shit like this as I've been through depression and self harm but not once did I post about my self harm up until this point. I understand for some they really do have those issues and it's a way of seeking help through people who have been in that situation but when I see them reply to those comments saying 'thanks but no one can help me.' if you don't want help whats the point in posting it? I don't understand so if someone does please comment and educate me on this fact.

What I'm trying to say is don't post bullshit about how you get 'the biggest knife you can find to cut your wrists' as the biggest knife would fucking kill you and anyone I know that has self harmed and I have had a conversation with talks about how it was a pocket knife, a razor blade or in my case a plastic utensils I broke so it became sharp.

If you need help seek it professionally and not tweens or teens going through the same shit. Thank you for reading :)

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