Chapter Fifty~Four

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I looked down at my stomach and I started to rub it around in circles. I found out by Dr. Moore that I was now six weeks pregnant and I do have a little baby bump. It wasn't all that noticeable but I could see it. I must say, last night was one of the best nights ever. I was reunited with my real family and I got to meet a lot of people from my original pack. As much as I want to stay back with them and catch up on what I have missed out on but I didn't want to leave Blaine nor this pack. I looked up at the ceiling and just stared at it as memories took over my mind. Everything that I have received from the Moonlight Pack, it has made me stronger. Powerful.

Blaine made me stronger and powerful.

"Hello beautiful." I heard as Blaine walked into the room. I just gave him a smile before placing my hands on both sides of his face and placing a peck on his lips. A giggle surpassed my lips as he started tugging on my bottom lip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me. A chuckle escaped his lips as he looked down at me and smiled. He pressed his lips on my forehead making me smile even more.

"You know what? Last night was the best day of my life...after finding out I was going to be a father." A blush crept up onto my face as I knew what he was talking about. He places his forehead against mine and his eyes was locked on mine. "You don't know how long I have waited for a long time to hear you say that again." He whispered to me. I just placed my hands on his cheeks and placed a kiss on his nose. "Believe me, I am not taking it back." I whispered to him.

He leaned down to my ear and he started breathing on my neck which was waking goosebumps pop up on my neck. "Say it again." He whispered into my ear. "I want to hear you say those same word." He whispered again. I slightly arched my back as he started to nip behind my ear. He knew that was also my sensible spot. "I love you Blaine." I whispered to him as if someone else was here. He looked at me and smiled. "I love you too. And our baby." He said as he placed a hand on my stomach. I watched as he was staring at my stomach while he was rubbing it in circles. I could see it in his eyes that he was going to love this baby.

He then got off of me and had a smile still on his face. "Alright baby girl, I'm going to need you to get comfortable." He told me as he grabbed the blankets and moved them from my body. I gave him a confused look. "Why?" I asked him. I watched as he pulled out a bottle of oil. "Um baby, what, is that for?" I asked him another question. He just leaned down and placed a kiss on my tummy that was covered by my shirt. "Earlier this morning, I had ran into Dr. Moore and he asked me about you. I told him that you were doing fine." Blaine began to tell me as I just sat there and listened. "He told me that it was good but I should always make sure that you are comfortable and not stressed. He told me that it would be better if you have messages maybe twice a day so you can feel relaxed." He said as he started moving to the foot of the bed.

"Blaine, you really don't have to do that. I'll just fine with a hot bath." I told him truthfully. He really didn't have to do all of that. He put his finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet. "Shh baby, just sit back and relax and let me take good care of you." He whispered as he squirted the oil in his hands. He rubbed his hands together and started to massage my feet. I threw my head back and closed my eyes. This really do feel good. A light moan left from my lips. A chuckle came from Blaine making me lift my head and look at him.

"It feels going don't it baby?" Blaine said making me slowly nod my head before leaning my head back on my pillow. I then felt as he moved to my other foot and started to give it the same treatment. "I can't wait until next month, we get to see what the gender of the baby is." Blaine said as he started to moved up to my thigh. I just gave him a smile. "I'm glad that you're happy to know that we're having a baby." I said. He snapped his head up and gave me a look of confusion. "Why wouldn't I be happy about having a baby?" Blaine asked me as he continued to work on my foot. I started to twiddle my thumbs as I was trying to avoid any eye contact with him. "Because I didn't think you would want a baby with all this commotion going on. You know, with the Native Moonlight Sky Pack and my brother's pack." I said quietly.

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