Chapter Forty~Seven

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"Have y'all lost your everlasting minds?!" I heard as my father yell out. I closed the door right behind me and walked into the living room to see both Bri and Malayah were sitting on the couch. They were both looking down at the floor as my father was pacing back and forth with an angry look on his face. "Hey, I heard what happened." I said as I walked up to my father's side. I gave both of the girls a scowl look. "I am very disappointed in the both of y'all. Y'all both know my rule about having a guard with y'all at all times if y'all wanted to leave somewhere. Especially you Malayah." I snarled. What made me even madder was that the both of them were hurt. Bri had a bag of ice on her head and the right side of her shoulder while Malayah had to get her arm cleaned up and a bag was placed on her knee.

"We're sorry." Bri said as she looked up at us. I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head. "Brianna Selena Thompson, you knew better than to go over to No Man's Land. We told ever since you were a little girl to stay away from that land but you have disobeyed our orders." My father continued to yell at Bri. "Dad, it was an accident. We didn't mean to cross over the land. We were just walking and laughing that we didn't see the sign." Bri said as she had tears in her eyes. "It don't matter, y'all shouldn't have been walking by y'all selves in the first place. We're over here trying to help the Silvermoon Pack and to find out that y'all left with a guard going with y'all both. That's been an order ever since Malayah has gotten here. What do you think would have happened if father didn't leave early to come back home? Y'all are already hurt but that could have been much worse. Y'all could have died, then what?" I said to them both. They both sat there quietly. Bri still had tears running down her face while Malayah looked as if she had a lot on her mind.

"And the bad thing is, y'all went inside the house. That's the bad part." My father continued. It then got quiet. No one had anything to say. "Girls, y'all do understand why we're being hard on y'all right? We don't want nothing bad to happen to y'all both. We're already going through so much with the Silvermoon pack and trying to help them get back on their feet. The Native Moonlight Sky Pack has been on there territory and one happened to show up at the house. If Donny and Claude wasn't there, y'all both would have been dead." My mother said as she walked stood right beside my father. "Please mom, I don't even want to think about what would have happened if Donny and Claude didn't show up." I told her.

A sigh came out of my father's mouth before looking back at the girls. "I am very disappointed in the both of y'all. Especially you Bri." He said. I hated to see Bri cry like this but it was only to keep them safe.

"Listen, don't blame Bri for this. It was my idea to go into the house." Malayah said as she stood up from the couch. Now hearing this coming from her made me even more disappointed. "We we're trying to find our way back to the pack land because we walked too far and we happened to stumble to the house. I wanted to go inside and Bri tried to stop me, so its my fault that we're in trouble now and its my fault that Bri got hurt and I will take full responsibility for everything." She said as she looked at my father in the eyes. I knew she would rather deal with him than me.

"You see..." Carly's voice appeared from out of no where. She stood up from the couch and looked at Malayah. "I told you that everything that was going wrong was her fault. She even made Bri get hurt. Now is that the kind of Luna that we need to rule the pack. You I think..."

"SILENCE!!!!!" I screamed towards her making her jump in her place before sitting back down on the couch. I then turned my attention back onto Malayah. "Why would you even wanted to go in the house in the first place?" My father asked her. She starter to rub her arm that was hurt before looking back at him. "You see, I have never heard of No Man's Land before. The Moonlight Pack never talked about it. So when Bri started to freak about the place I was very confused at her actions. She was trying to find our way out of that land but we got lost even more and we came up to the house. I wanted to go inside and look around. Bri tried to stop me but I didn't listen to her and I went in anyway. Even my wolf was telling me not to go in there." She said the last part quietly but we all heard it. "Honey, why didn't you listen to your wolf? She must have known that something bad about that house." My mother asked her. She just looked over at my mom, she still didn't make no eye contact with me.

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