Chapter Nine

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Once we made it to the mall Bri parked the car before turning the car off. I got out of the car and the girls and I made our way inside. "So, where should we start?" Naomi asked as we was just standing at the entrance, I looked around and this mall was humongous. "Hey, can I tell y'all something?" I asked them kind of embarrassed. "Sure." Naomi said with a smile on her face.

"I have never been to a mall before." I quietly said but I knew that they could hear me. I looked up at them to see that they was a looking at me shocked. "What do you mean you never been to a mall before?" Bri screeched. Ok, now I'm really embarrassed. I lowered my head and looked at the ground. I was waiting for them to laugh at my face but nothing came, but I felt as someone wrapped their arms around my shoulder. I looked to see it was Bri.

"I'm sorry Lay, I didn't mean to say it like that, I was just surprised." Bri said looking down apologetic. I gave her a hug with a small smile on my face. " Its ok, I know you didn't mean to say it like that." I said making her smile. " How come you never been to the mall before?" Naomi asked me while she rubbed my back. I don't really want to tell them because it would make me go back into thinking about them, but they're my best friends so I guess I can tell them.

"Well, my old pack wouldn't let me go anywhere with them or even leave the territory because they was embarrassed to be seen with me." I told the girls. "Aww Malayah." Bri said as she started rubbing my back. I could feel the tears wanting to came out from my eyes but I blinked them away. "So, where do we start at?" I said, trying to change the subject. "How about we start at that store?" I pointed at a store that was filled with dress.

"American Diva? Oh my gosh yes, I bet we can find some sexy dresses for you to wear for Blaine." Bri said as she started to
move her eyebrows up and down making me giggle. Both Naomi and Bri linked her arms with my arms and we walked towards the "American Diva" store. Once we was in there we started looking through the racks to find some cute dresses and they had a lot of them.

As I was looking at the dresses, I saw this one dress that had really caught my eyes. It was a short peach dress with beads going all around the band. It was tight at the top and then it flows out from the waist. I pulled it off of the rack and got a better look at it, it was really pretty and I really want it. Still having the dress in my arms, I walked over to the girls who had more than three dress in their arms. Damn.

"Hey girls, what do y'all think about this dress?" I asked the girls while holding it up for them to see it. "Aww, that dress looks so cute. I think you should get it." Naomi said while smiling really hard. "Well, I need to try it on." I said while looking at them.

"Why do you need to try it on? It looks like it would fit you quite well." Naomi said as she looked closely at the dress. "I just want to make sure before I buy it." I said to the girls. I walked up before they could say another word to me. I walked into the fitting room and locked the door. I stripped out of my clothes, I then slipped into the dress and zipped it up in the back. I walked out of the fitting room and walked out where I saw Bri and Naomi still having the dresses they're going to buy in their arms. They was talking about something until they like looked my way and gasp in surprised.

"Oh my gosh Malayah, that dress looks so beautiful on you."Namoi squealed, I giggled before twirling around so they could see the whole dress. "You think so?" I asked the girls with a smile on my face. "Hell yeah Blaine won't let you out of his site." Bri said with a smirk on her face. My cheeks started to heat up as I was thinking about Blaine. Would he really like this dress on me? I gave the girls another smile before walking back into the fitting room. I took off the dress and put my clothes back on, I carried the dress in my arms and walked back out of the fitting room.

I looked around the store for some more dresses. By the time I was done, I had seven dresses in my arms, since the girls already paid for their dresses they waited for me to pay for mine. After that, we left the store and went to a shoe store and bought us some shoes.

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