Chapter Thrity

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I woke up with the sun shining through the blinds and making contact with my eyes. A groan escaped my lips as I turned my body, trying to feel for the body of my sleeping mate but yet I felt nothing. I opened one of my eyes and saw that I was right. Blaine was not right next to me. I got up and looked around the room and started to see if I could feel Blaine inside the house. He wasn't. "Nice way to end our last day here Blaine." I grumbled.

I got out of the bed and I made my way to the bathroom where I splashed cold water in my face to wake myself up. I dried my face off and then made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and some lucky charms before walking over to the fridge where I grabbed the milk. I started to pour me a bowl when I heard something coming into the kitchen. I turned around thinking I was going to see Blaine but I was in for a big treat. "Oh my gosh! You are such a pretty girl!" A girl yelled put to me. I jumped up ready to get a fighting position. "I can't believe that Blaine has finally found his mate!" A girl rattled on. I just stood there trying to figure out what the heck was going on and why this girl was in the house and where the heck Blaine was.

"Um, who are you?" I said cutting the girl off. She finally stopped talking and gave me a really big but pretty smile. "Oh I'm sorry. Where are my manners?" She said while giggling. Ok this girl is straight up loco. "My name is Judi and I'm here to take you shopping." She said with excitement. I didn't say a word. The same question popped back up in my head. How in the world did this girl get in here? "You're here... to take me shopping?" I said making sure that I had it right. She started to nod her head really fast. Where in the world did she get all this energy? "And why do you need to take me shopping?" I asked her slowly while I was making my way over to the cabinet just in case she tried anything stupid.

"Sorry, can't tell you. Alpha's orders." Judi told me catching me off guard. "Blaine sent you?" I questioned her. She nodded her head at me. Blaine sent her here. "Yeah, he wanted me to take you out to go shopping and that's all I can say so hurry up and get dress so we can go." She excitedly started to jump up and down. "Ok, well I'm going to go take a shower and I'll be out in a little." I said before I slowly walked out of the kitchen. Once she was out of my sight I made a run for it to the bathroom up the stairs. I closed the door behind me and locked the door to make sure that she don't come in while I'm taking my shower. What in the world is going on around here?

'Blaine. Who is this girl in the house and why is she so hyper?' I called out to him in mind-link. 'Good morning beautiful. I see that you have met Judi. I had to go run a couple of errands today and I asked Judi if she could take you shopping for tonight. And to answer the question why she's so hyper...we don't know. She has always been like that.' Blaine said back to me. I just sighed knowing that this girl must be safe if Blaine sent her here. 'Ok, but why do I need to go shopping?' I asked him hoping that I could him to spill out information on what he's really doing that's making him not here. 'No can do beautiful. I can't tell you everything but what I can tell you is that you deserve it. Oh, I got to go but I'll see you later. I love you.' He said before cutting off the mind link. I just smiled at his last words.

I love you.

I sighed as I turned on the shower. Stripping out if my clothes, I threw them into the ground and I stepped inside the shower squealing in surprise as the warm water hit my body. This felt good, so good that I didn't want to leave but I knew that I had to because one, I have a very, very hyper girl in the the house and two, I really want to know what Blaine have in mind for tonight. After the shower, I got out and I grabbed the towel and I dried my body off before wrapping the towel around my chest. I walked out of the bathroom and I started to get dressed. I put on one of Blaine's tank-tops and a pair of my jeans. I slid on my socks and Adidas before doing something to this hair. After all of that, I made my way back down the stairs and I happened to see Judi sitting on the couch. She looked up at me and gave me a smile. "You ready to go shopping?" She asked me as she jumped up and down. I just laughed at her. She may be crazy but she's really funny and I think I'm going to have one hell of a time a the mall.

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