Chapter Twenty~Two

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Ever since our little park episode, I couldn't keep a smile off my face, Blaine is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't want to trade him for anything. I bet my life would've been great if I would have known him a long time ago.

We went back to the house and we ate our leftovers from last night, and while we was doing that me and Blaine talked about life and other random things.

After we was done eating, Blaine grabbed the two plates with the pies that he got this morning and we walked outside, I took it slow because it was my first time walking on the sand in human form. When I placed my foot in the sand, the sand felt so soft against my feet. Blaine just chuckled at my reaction before grabbing my hand and leading the way.

Blaine placed two towels on the sand and we both sat down on them, Blaine then handed me one of the plates. I opened it to see that it was the the chocolate chip cookie pie, I was getting excited because this was my very first time trying one of these. I picked it up from the box and took a bite out, I had to take a small bite because it was hot but other than that, the cookie pie was the best thing I have ever taken a bite out of. A moan escaped my lips and I savored the moment. I heard a laugh come from beside me making me look that way only to see Blaine looking at me with a smile.

"What?" I asked him with a shy smile on my face. He just shook his head at me before taking a bite out of pie. "Let's me guess, you never had a chocolate chip cookie pie." He said to me, I just shook my head at him. He just looked back down at his pie before taking a scoop out of it and placing it in front of my face. "Here, try this." He said to me, I just smiled at him before taking the pie off the fork.

My eyes rolled to the back of my eyes and a moan flown out of my lips. "Oh my gosh, that was so good. What do you call that?" I asked him. "Its called strawberry cheesecake." He said as he started chuckling at me. "That's really good. I can't believe that I missed out on so many things." I said as I stole another piece of his cake. He just set it down on the towel and looked at me.

"So, you never told me about your childhood. What was it like?" I asked him, he just took another bite of his is before putting the fork back down and looking dead at me. "Well, it was nothing really special. I mean, I was the son of the most dangerous alpha Conner Thompson and my mother Luna Nina Thompson. I was a only child for about four years until my mother had Bri and I was next in line to become the alpha of the Bloodvemon Pack and that's really it." He explained to me, I just cocked my eyebrow at him, knowing there was more than just that.

"Come on, there has to be more. I want to know everything about you." I said softly, as I grabbed his hand. He just sighed and continued. "Ok, well. I was next in line to become alpha, and I was very excited about it. I knew that I could boss people around and do whatever I want to do but I had to learn that was not the only thing that takes to become and alpha. You have to be strong and not let anything get in your way. I had to be strong not only to protect myself but the whole pack and my mate." He said as he looked at me with a smile on his face. I just have him a smile back.

"Both my father and grandfather trained me through blood, sweat and tears. I remembered that they trained me so hard one time that I threw up everything that I had that day and it was so bad that I slipped into a three day coma. And when I woke up M
my mother was furious and she started going off on my dad and grandfather. She did not like it one bit." He said as he was telling me the story.

"To be honest with you, I used to be a pushover." He told me, I just snapped my head over at him with wide eyes. "You used to be a pushover?" I blurted out to him, he just chuckle before nodding his head. "Yep, I even used to be a crybaby." He told me, I was just sitting here surprised. I would have never known that my mate was a crybaby.

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