Chapter Twenty~Seven

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I cried for them to stop but no one listened to me. I continued to feel the punches and kicks coming from every corner. I heard as all the members were laughing at me. At my pain. I started coughing up the blood and spiting it on the floor. I then felt as I was all alone, wheezing, trying to catch my breath. I then heard as footsteps started to make their way towards me and whoever the person was, they were clapping with amusement. "Look who we have here, its the so called "Luna" of the Bloodvemon pack." My eyes got wide, I recognized the voice from anywhere. I lifted my numb body up and turned around to see my worst nightmare. He had a evil smirk on his face. "Did you miss me baby girl?" He whispered. My body started to tremble and more tears started to run down my face.


I started to crawl away from him and that only made him laugh out loud. I then felt as he kicked me in my ribs making me scream with pain. "Please stop." I softly cried, he just chuckled. I watched as he got down on his knees and his face was in front of mine. "Oh Malayah, this would have never happened if only you would have stayed and married me, but now..." He paused between his sentence and slammed his hand against my throat. "I'm going to make you pay." He growled before pressing me down harder against the wooden floor.

I started to claw at his hands trying to get him off of me, but that only made his grip harder. I could feel as my throat started to close up and my eyes started to roll to the back of my eyes as I knew that I losing air."You deserve to die. Nobody wants you. You are nothing but a waste of time and space." He started to whisper to me with a evil smirk on his face. "You will be old and lonely. I could have been there to take care of you, but no you wanted to run away and now look at the position that you're in. No one will every love you." He said. I could feel as my body started to go limp, I had a couple of seconds before I knew it was over for me. I closed my eyes and laid, getting ready to leave earth. He was right, I am a waste of time and space. I'm a nobody.

'No! Don't believe a word he says. You're no a waste of time and space.' A familiar voice said to me.

'Blaine.' I whispered.

'Baby, you're not a nobody. You are a somebody, you're my mate and I love you. Please, don't stop fighting, I will always be there when you need me.' He continued and his voice started to echo in my head. His voice made me feel an adrenaline rush because my eyes snapped back open. I kneed Dave where the sun don't shine making him groan and fall right beside me. I made my way towards the door, and ran out the door. I started to look around trying to find my mate.

"BLANIE!!" I yelled out.

"MALAYAH!!" I heard Blaine's voice yelling out my name. I started to run where Blaine's voice was coming from. But I felt as someone had grabbed me by my ankle making me fall to the ground. I turned around to see that it was my parents. They were pulling me back to the house. "No!!Someone help me!!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs.

And the a howl arose in the sky, it almost seem like everything stopped and freeze in place. The thing was, the howl didn't belong to Blaine, it belonged to someone else. Next thing you know, I felt the grip from my ankle being ripped off and screams being heard. I was then left alone in the woods or so I thought. And then, a wolf paw was being placed in front of me. I looked up to be face to face with a silver wolf with icy cold eyes. I don't know why, but it felt like I knew the wolf from somewhere.

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