Chapter Twenty~Nine

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Blaine took me to this little cafe shop just five blocks down from Mrs. Gloria's shop. He had me try some of their pastries and their milkshakes here and I must say there really good.

We were talking and Blaine was talking about how his parents always took him and Bri down to the beach house when they were little and that every time they go down their aunt's shop, he would go somewhere else and all kind of fun things down here. To be honest, I'm kind of ready to meet his parents but yet, I'm kind of scared. What if they don't like me?

While Blaine was talking, I was studying him and everything that Misty had said to me was true. Even though he is smiling, I can still see all the pain in his eyes. Like he was trying to hide everything. He was trying to look like the alpha that was trying to make it seem like everything was ok but I know that was a lie. Even though he's trying to hide it from me, I can see the pain was written on his face too. He acts like everything is alright but I know it's not, I want to be the one to take the pain away from him.

We started to watch as some kids were playing around on a playground, I happened to look over at Blaine and he had a big smile on his face. That only placed a smile on my face. "By the way you're smiling, it seems that you really like kids." I said with a smirk on my face. He just looked at me and nodded his head. "Yeah. When I was younger, I told my mother that I wanted a BIG family." Blaine told me. By the way of his tone, I can tell that he was smirking. I looked over at him, knowing what he want in the future. That only made me smile, knowing that he wants kids.

"How many do you plan on wanting?" I tested him, he looked over at me with that smirk on his face. He started to look up and down at me before looking back up to my eyes. "I was thinking about four but now, I change my mind." He whispered in my ear. I rose my eyebrow up and looked at him. "Ok, so how many are you talking about having now?" I asked him, wanting to put up a challenge. He just looked at me with his smirk still on his face. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips before grabbing my bottom lip between his teeth, he started to pull on it while nipping it making me giggle. He pulled back placed a kiss on earlobe. "I want to make as much babies that I can get out of you." He whispered into my ear, I just looked over at him with surprise written on my face. I just looked away from him and started blushing like crazy. He was basically telling me that he wants a lot of kids.

I then felt as he grabbed onto my hand before placing a kiss on my knuckle before looking up at him. "Malayah, I want to have a big family with you." He said to me. "I want us to have our own house and I want to watch our kids run around the house being loud and have them come running to me it they had any problems. I want to us to grow old together and I want to love you for the rest of my life." He said to be, I just smiled at him before leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips. "Blaine, I promise we will spend the rest of our lives together, and we will have kids. But I just want us to spend a little more time together before we do have them." I told him truthfully, nervous about his reaction. He just chuckled at me before kissing me on my cheek and rubbing my hand. "Baby, we can wait as long as you want to, we have the rest of our lives to do that." He said to me, I just smiled at him before wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a big hug.

When we were done with our lunch we decided to make our way back to the beach house, I looked down at our hands and I started to rub my thumb up and down his knuckle. "So, since its already 3:45, what do you want to do right now?" Blaine asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.

'How about we go for a run.' Rayn said to me. Well, I am anxious to go for a run. I looked up at Blaine to see that he was still looking ahead. I stopped walking and that made Blaine look at me with confusion. "Is there another way we can get to the pack house instead of walking on the strip?" I asked him. He just continued to look at me before saying something. "Yeah, there's a trail in the woods that leads to the beach house. Why?" He asked me with curiosity. I just smiled at him before walking up to him and placing a peck on his lips.

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