Chapter Eighteen

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"Guys, I promise that I'm alright, I don't need to be checked."I said as I was sitting on the bed of the pack doctor's room. Ever since I was brought back, Naomi, Bri, the pack nurses and everybody came running up to me to see if I was fine and they was pushing me up the stairs and into the office trying to get check on me and everything and I was getting pretty annoyed. "We just want to make sure that you're ok and that you are still in one piece." Dr. Moore said as he was writing stuff on his clipboard.

"The wolf didn't even touch me." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and gave them a little five year old pout making Bri and Naomi laugh and that made me laugh. Then, I heard as the door slammed open and walked in was a very angry yet sexy Blaine. He walked over to me and looked dead at me as I looked dead at him. "Leave." He order everyone but was still looking at me, everyone behind him did what they was told and left leaving me and him by ourselves. I knew he was angry with me, I was preparing myself for a heated argument but what he did was totally not what I saw coming.

He grabbed me by my hair and smashed his lips against mine. I was surprised at first but I kissed him back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. See, I miss this between us. No arguments, no yelling at each other, no silent treatments. Just loving each other and being in his arms.

He pulled back from me and placed his forehead against mine. He then looked up at me and I saw that his eyes was black. "I am very disappointed in you. You went against my orders, said some rude things and you almost got hurt by the rouge." He said making me look up at him and furrow my eyebrows at him. "Do you know how worried I was about you?" He asked me, so he was still mad at me. Hell, I'm still mad at him.

"You wouldn't have to worry about me if you only let me go training with you." I said as I pushed him away from me and got up from the bed before walking out of the doctor's room. I walked down the hallways and I knew he was following me but I didn't care. I walked into the guest room with Blaine right behind me. I heard as he slammed the door right behind him.

I turned to look at the mirror and saw that he was staring at me. "All I asked you to do was to stay in the house where the guards could keep an eye on you but no, you went against my orders just so you can go for a "walk", next thing I know, you're getting attacked by the rogue..."Before he could even finish his little speech, I interrupted him. "For your information, the rogue didn't even get to touch me. See Blaine, I can take care of my self, I am strong enough to train with you and the others from the pack but no, you like it better when I was asleep so you wouldn't have to hear me bitching!!" I yelled at him.

I watched as he took a deep breath and run his hands through his hair trying to calm himself down. "Malayah, I didn't mean to say that and I didn't mean any of that. I was just tired and stressed. But when I tell you to stay here and don't go anywhere, that's what I expect you to follow my orders but no, you just want me to stick my orders all the way up my ass and be done with it. That is immature and childish and that is not Luna like. If your going to be in my pack, I advise you to follow my rules just like the pack!!" He yelled back at me, I swear I just want to strangle his neck right now. I am his mate, future Luna of this pack but yet he is treating me like I'm a nobody.

"I'm not just one of the members of this pack Blaine, I am your mate but you're not treating like one." I said to him trying to hold back my tears. "You know what, I don't have time for this, I have a pack that I have to train." He said before making his way over to the door. "Fine!!!" I yelled at him.

"Fine!!!" He yelled back at me before walking out of the guest room and slamming the door right behind him. That's when I let all the tears fall, I can't do this with him anymore. Why won't he just let me go with him? Why does he treat me like I'm nothing to him? I just walked over to the bed and laid down where I quietly started crying in the pillow while same question kept popping up in my head.

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