Chapter Nineteen

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Ever since we have arrived at the pack village, I have done nothing but sat by myself. I know that Bri had brought me here to the get me out of the house and keep my distance from Blaine right now, but all I can do is think about our argument from earlier and some of his words got to me.


Does this he really think I'm childish? I can't help that I was angry that he didn't let me go training but come on be honest. How would y'all feel if you're boyfriend let some girl that you didn't trust and didn't like go training with him but not you. You would be pretty pissed off too, I mean, I know that he has known her longer than me but I'm his mate and he does this bullshit to me. I just wish he could have just let me go training with him.

I heard some laughter going on which happened to catch my attention, I looked around to see that children was running around and laughing and some kids was in their wolf forms and they was running around playing with other kids. It had brought a small smile on my face, I just love watching the kids having fun. I then heard a playful yelp coming towards me, I saw a little black and white pup chasing a butterfly and I instantly knew who it was. It was little Addison. She is just so adorable. As she was chasing the butterfly, I watched as she was about to cross the village crossing line where the little kids are not suppose to cross not unless they have someone with them. Before she could cross it, I grabbed her before placing her on my lap.

"Hey, and where do you think you going little miss Addison." I asked her as I started petting her soft fur. She started licking my face making me smile, I wouldn't mind having my own pups with Blaine, we would have some cute little pups together. I watched Addison laid her head on my leg since I was sitting criss-cross, I then started to rub my hand through her fur.

As I continued to pet Addison, Bri and Naomi both walked up to me and sat right beside me. I then picked Addison up and placed her back on the ground where she can go play with the other kids. She then started running off. "Hey Malayah, are you ok?" Naomi asked me as she laid her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I continued to watch the kids play around. "You sure because you looked like you was going to swing on Blaine." Bri said as she nudged me. I just continued to look forward. "Yeah, but how am I suppose to feel when Blaine won't let me go training with the pack but yet that bitch can go." I said as I was getting mad all over again.

"I mean, I know that you're mad about that, but Blaine is only trying to protect you. The way this pack train is so vicious that it don't even matter that you're in the pack at that point of time." Naomi said as she laid her head on my shoulder. I just shook my head at the girls before rubbing my hands over my face. "Y'all just don't get it, this is my fight with the pack. They have put me through so much pain that all I want to do is show them that I'm not that scared little weak wolf anymore. I am a future Luna, but how can I show them that if Blaine won't let me train with him." I said getting frustrated, I looked over at Bri as she started shaking her head before looking back at me. "You're just going to have to trust Blaine." Bri told me.

I just shook my head at her and groaned with annoyance. I really just want to drop the conversation. They must have gotten the memo because they just changed the subject. As we was talking, we heard Ms.Dina call all the kids to come in to get some lunch. We watched as all the kids started shifting into their human forms and they started running in the daycare center to get dressed and get something to eat.

"Girls, come on in, y'all need to get some food in y'all's systems too." Ms. Dina said as she was motioning us to come to into the center. We all got up from the ground and started making our way to the daycare center. Me, Bri, and Naomi sat down at the tables and waited until all the kids got their food before we got up there and got ours. I looked at what the cooks had made and looked really good. We grabbed out plates and put our food on them before walking back to our table and sat down. Me and the girls started talking about some crazy things as we was eating our food.

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