Chapter Seven

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As everybody was outside enjoying the nice weather, I was stuck inside the house doing some paperwork, don't get me wrong, I like being alpha but sometimes its hard work. I have to do paperwork, check the borders, check the village to make sure everything is alright, then I have to go back to doing paperwork and a lot of other things.

And the bad thing is, I can't get anything done because I couldn't think about anything else but Malayah. Just saying her name is getting my wolf all happy, I can't stop thinking about her. I just love everything about her, I love the way she smiles, the way she looks at me, the way she laughs, and the way she cuddled up with me last night was just...wonderful. And this morning, in the kitchen, our lips was so close to one another, we almost kissed and I wouldn't mind it.

No, I wouldn't mind feeling her nice, plump lips against mine. I really need to get some time off so me and Malayah, I can take her out, just the two of us. Yeah, that would be a great idea.

As I was working I heard my office door being opened and slammed, I look up to see Carly. What the hell is she doing back here so early? I thought she was going to be gone for another three weeks. She made her way up to my desk and stared at me with her arms folded and giving me a death glare." What do you want? And who do you think you are barging in my office?" I growled at her.

She walked up to me and stood right in front of me with her arms still folded. "Please tell me it's not true." She said making me raise my eyebrow at her. " What are you talking about?" I asked her, still pissed that she came barging in my office like she owns shit.

"There is a girl who is claiming that she is your mate and future Luna." She said as she stomped her foot, all I could do was roll my eyes at her. I knew she was talking about Malayah, then, a smirk appeared on my face. Every since I was fourteen, Carly had has this big imagination that we was suppose to be mates and now that I have Malayah, I can finally show her that she's not my mate.

"If you're talking about Malayah, the beautiful and feisty girl who is hanging out with my sister and Naomi. Then yeah, its true, I do have a mate." I said as the smirk was still on my face, knowing it was making her mad. I watched as she gave me a sad look but then it turned into anger.

"No, I'm suppose to be your mate!!! We're suppose to be together!!! I'm suppose to be the Luna of this pack and we're suppose to rule together Blaine!!!" She yelled at me making me look up at her like she was crazy, she must be forgetting who she is talking to. And the way she said my name was nothing like how Malayah says it. I looked back down at the papers and ignored her. I don't have time for her nonsense.

"Reject her." Carly said as she leaned down where she was at my level. I looked back at her, what did she just say? "What did you just say?" I growled as I stood up from my chair. I saw as she fliched a little, but she stood up y'all with her chin up.

"You heard me. Reject her and be with me. You know you want me." She tried to say it seductively as she grabbed me by my hand. This bitch must be out of her mind if she thinks I'm going to reject my beautiful mate for her. I yanked my hand out of her grasp and pushed her from away from me." If you think I'm going to reject her, then you are stupid. I've been waiting for her every since I became alpha and now that I have her in my life,I'm not letting her go." I said to her, she was making me and my wolf angry.

"But..." "NO!!! GET OUT OF MY OFFICE OR YOU WILL BE SLEEPING IN THE CELL WITH THE ROGUE!!!" I snarled at her, she stomped her foot like a five year old and walked out of my office. I was taking deep breaths trying to calm my wolf down but she just made me angry talking about my mate.

I couldn't take it anymore, I walked out of my office and made my way to my room where I slammed the door, my wolf is about to come out. I could feel him coming out. I just want to destroy everything that is in my way.

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