Chapter Fifty~Two

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"BLAINE, CALM DOWN!!!" I heard my mother yelled at me. I picked up a glass and threw it against the wall. "WHERE IS SHE??!!!!" I yelled out. Everyone was trying to calm me down.

After I came back from looking for an outfit for the ceremony, I went home and I didn't see Malayah at the house. So I went to the village thinking that she was there to see the children but no one had seen her. I then came to the pack house and thought she was probably hanging out with the girls but to my surprise, she wasn't here either.

"BLAINE!!! WE NEED YOU TO CALM DOWN!!!" I heard as my father yelled out to me. I turned towards my father and growled. "Calm down? You want me to calm down?" I questioned my father. I could feel Ryder get even more angrier. "My mate is out there somewhere with no guards, no protection, no nothing and you want me to calm down?!!!" I growled at him. I saw as his eyes turned black and I knew that he was getting mad too. He got up in my face and the tension between started to radiate from our bodies. My mother got in between us and tried to calm us both down. "Alright boys, y'all both need to calm down." My mother said before looking at me. "Honey, there's people who are out now looking for her. She's going to be fine." My mother told me as she was rubbing her hand up and down my arm. I just looked back at my father before turning away.

I ran my hand through my hair an I started pulling on it.

'Mate. I want my mate and baby.' Ryder growled toward me. I do too. I want them both to be here with me now. I turned around and looked at everyone. "If any of y'all know where Malayah is, speak up know before I lose my cool." I told everyone in the house. Everyone didn't say one word. That only made me angrier, I grabbed another glass and threw it at the wall, that made everyone jump in there seats. "I'M NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH Y'ALL!!!! IF ANY OF Y'ALL KNOW HER WHEREABOUTS, SPEAK UP!!! I'M NOT GOING TO ASK Y'ALL AGAIN!!!" I yelled out to them.

"Blaine, we haven't seen her since two days ago." Dmitri said to me. I looked over at Naomi and Larissa who was sitting right beside Jasper. "No, we haven't seen her either." Larissa told me. I then snapped my head over at the two culprits. They both looked at me before Carly rolled her eyes at me. "No, we have not see your little mate anywhere ever since the other day." Crystal said with so much venom. I growled at her tone and she automatically got right. I groaned with annoyance as I ran my hands through my hair. "If I don't find my mate as soon as possible then all hell will break loose." I said as I started to walk off.

I was close to the door when I felt something weird in the air. I don't know why but Ryder started to get a little anxious. I slowly turned around and my eyes laid on a certain person.


Usually when something happen and it has something to do with Malayah, Bri is the one who gets very worried and she starts to freak out. But right now, she's not saying one word. She was just sitting on the couch all by herself and she was sweating like crazy.

'Bri is hiding something from us.' Ryder said to me. I nodded my head in agreement. Yes, she's hiding something from us and I have a feeling that she knows where Malayah is. I walked away from the door and I slowly made my way back up to where I was now facing Bri. She was struggling to look down to avoid making eye contact with me, but I know that she couldn't do it. She slowly looked up at me and her heart started to race faster than it was before and more sweat started to pour down her face. I saw that she was shaking. I don't know if it was from fear or she was up to something and she knew she was about to get caught.

"Bri, what's wrong with you? You haven't said one word all day and I have noticed that you have been trying to avoid me all day. Is there you like to explain to me?" I asked her as I got up in her face. Her eyes darted from me to the ground. "Um, no. I...I don't k...k...know what're talking about." She starred to stutter. I could hear as her heart started to beat fast as hell. Bingo. I knew that she was lying.

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