Chapter Two

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

That's what was going through my ear which made me slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust the light that was shining in my face. Once my eyes was finally adjusted, I looked around to see that I was in a bed in a all white room, kind of like a hospital.

As I sat up in the bed looked down to see that I had wires hooked up to me, I turned my head to see a monitor that was checking my heart rate. I must in the pack hospital, but why? I then heard the door being opened making me snap my head towards it only to see a man who looked like he was in his mid thirties. I didn't recognize this man at all. He walked up to me with a smile on his face and he had a clipboard in his hands and a pen behind his ear. He must be the pack doctor.

"Its good to see that you're awake, you had us all worried there for a minute." The doctor said as he was checking the monitor. I just continued to watch him. "Everything seems fine, your heart rate looks good. Your vitals looks good and you seem to be back to normal." He said while smiling at me, I just looked at him, still trying to figure out what's going on and where I'm at. "But I notice that you haven't been eating lately and that's not healthy for you." He said while wagging the pen at me, I'm sorry, I wasn't allowed to eat anything because the guy I was suppose to marry wouldn't let me. I wanted to say that to him but I just kept it to myself."Now, I'll be back, I'm going to see if we can get you some food" The doctor said before walking out of the room, leaving me by myself.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, I was about to get up from the bed when I heard the door being opened up once again, I snapped my head back towards the door only for me to see a woman with a nurse's outfit on, she walked into the room with a tray in her hands and a smile on her face.

"Hello Luna." The woman said to as she was walking up to me. Luna? I thought to myself. "This is for you." She said before placing the tray on my lap, she bowed her head at me before walking out of the room leaving me alone all confused. What did she mean Luna? What is going on here? I looked down at the tray and I swear, I thought I was drooling. On the plate was three strips of bacon, some grits, scrambled eggs and a piece of grape jelly toast. Oh yes, I'm going to tear this food up.

After I was done, I set the plate on the table right beside the bed. I ripped the wires from my body and slowly got out of the bed and looked down to see that I wasn't in that horrible wedding dress anymore. I was now in a white T-shirt and some gray shorts, ok, I don't know how I got into these clothes but I'm satisfied. I walked out the door and quickly but quietly jogged down the stairs.

"Luna!!" I heard one of the nurses screamed my name, I ran out of the house and before I could hit the last step, I shifted into my grayish-white wolf and ran into the woods. It was nice for whoever brought me here but I now have to get going.

I was running and turning corners trying to find my way back, when I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw a wolf ahead of me that was going out of control. Oh no, this wolf is a rogue. I started to slowly back away from the wolf, I was about to run away when I stepped on a twig which made the wolf look my way. It started to stroll towards me growling and licking his lips at me. I'm in trouble, I turned around and made a ran for it. I knew it was running right behind me because the wolf's heavy feet was rumbling the ground, and that only made me run faster.

I looked behind me to see if that rogue was still behind me, but I didn't see. I started to get worried because it was no longer behind me. I looked in front of me and that's when I was tackled by the rogue, it was now on top of me. I was scratching at the wolf trying to get it off of me but it was no use. It was snapping at me, trying to sink its teeth in my neck when I heard howls going all around us. I looked around to see that wovles were coming from all around us, I then felt the rogue's heavy body being jerked off of me. I got up and watched as they attacked the rogue, now this is my chance to escape. I got up from the ground and made a run for it, hopefully, but the time they do whatever they want to do with the rogue, I will be far away for here.

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