Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up this morning not really in the mood. I really didn't have a goodnight's rest last night because I wasn't in Blaine's arms. The sadness that filled my body earlier, turned into the anger. I was angry that Blaine wouldn't let me go training with him and I was definitely angry about what he had said to me late last night. I kicked off the covers and got up from the bed, I then walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I walked into the bathroom and took me a quick shower and got back out. I dried off and put on some fresh clothes on. I brushed my hair back and put my hair into a ponytail. I then went back towards the bed and put on some socks and shoes. I bet y'all are wondering what I'm doing. I'm going to go train with the Blaine and the boys and I don't care what He has to say anything about it.

I walked out of the guest bedroom and made my way down the stairs where I walked into the kitchen where I found the two original people sitting at the table while eating their breakfast. The girls both looked at me as I walked passed them and made my way over to the stove. "Good morning Malayah." Bri said as she looked at me, I looked back over at her and nodded my head at them before looking back at the stove to see that breakfast was already ready. Good, if I'm going to go training with the boys then I'm going to need the energy. I put the food on my plate and walked back over to the girls and sat right beside Naomi.

"Are you ok Malayah?" I heard as Bri ask me, I just looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said back to her before put the grits in my mouth. "Well, late last night, I heard you and Blaine yelling at each other and some doors being slammed. Did something happened yesterday?" She asked me while raising an eyebrow. Before I could say anything, Blaine came in storming into the kitchen. The look on his face told me that he didn't get a good night's rest either so I knew he was cranky and anger but I didn't care. I watched as he started to open up cabinets and slamming them back, it made me jump just a little but I wasn't going to let him know. After his slamming act, he stored out of the kitchen and slammed the door.

"Oh my gosh, I have ever seen Blaine this angry in a long time." Naomi said while looking at me, I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat my breakfast. Then, Dmitri, Jasper and Brett walked into the kitchen and looked at us girls. "Dang, do y'all know what's wrong with Blaine?" Jasper asked me as he sat on the other side of Bri. "Nothing, we just got into an argument last night and he had said something that made me mad and I refused to sleep with him and slept in the guest room." I said before taking a bite out of my bacon. "Dang Malayah, no wonder he's in a bad mood." Jasper said as he shook his head.

"I know what he is going through, its not cool sleeping alone. Y'all know me, I want to get as close to my mate as possible." Dmitri said as he wrapped his arms around Naomi's waist before kissing her cheek. I just smile at them. That could be me and Blaine right now but he's acting like a bitch right now.

"Well, we have to get going. Blaine's ready to go." Brett said as he got up from his seat and walked out of the kitchen, I watched as Dmitri kissed Naomi on her cheek before walking out with Jasper right behind him. I got out of my seat and put my plate in the sink and walked out of the kitchen. "Malayah, where are you going?" I heard as Naomi called out my name, I ignored her and walked out of the door. I started walking off and started making my way toward the woods. "And where do you think you're going?" I heard that sexy voice but I decided to ignore him. Just as I was so close to the end of the woods, I felt as myself was being picked up.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!" I screamed as I started hitting him on his back but that didn't faze him. "PUT ME DOWN BLAINE!!!" I screamed at him some more and he did exactly that but he set me down on the steps. "I said where do you think you're going?" He said once again as he looked up at me. I pushed him off of me and looked back at him. "I'm going to go train." I said as I crossed my arms at him. "No, you are still not coming training with..."

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