Twenty Nine

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"Not here Harry."

"Yes, here." He smiles.



"God, you're annoying."

He grins. "Fine. My apartment?" 

"Okay." I say. "Let me drop some stuff off at home first." 

"See you." 

As I drive to my house, I debate what to tell Ryan. The best option is to tell him that I finally saved up enough money. I'm a terrible liar, but it seems plausible. 

His car is there, and I take all my stuff out of the glove compartment, and load it into my own car. 

"Ryan?" I ask.

"Hey." He's sitting on the couch, watching television.

"I bought a car today." 

"You did?"

"Yeah. I just came to get my stuff."

"Can you help me with the remote? The TV is broken."

All the channels are static, and it doesn't seem to work.

"We need a new television." I say. 

"Television?" He asks. 

"Yeah, a new televison." I say. 

"Why do you say television and not just TV?" 

"I don't know." 

"Whatever, I'll watch on my laptop."

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I take it into the kitchen.

"You don't plan on ditching me, do you?" 

"No, I'm still coming. Ryan just needed help with the television." 

"Good. Wait, television?" He asks.

"Don't mention it. Be there in a few."

"Okay bye."

"Bye, love you." The words come out so naturally that I barely even realize. 


The line is silent on the other end, and I'm the one who has to hang up. 

"Who was that Scout?" Ryan asks from the other room. 

Of course. I tell Harry I love him at the exact moment I shouldn't. In front of Ryan. And of course, telling Harry I love him is pretty bad. He obviously was not at all comfortable with hearing me say that.

"My...friend." I wince.

"Your boyfriend?" He questions.

I nod. "Yeah."

"What's his name?" 


"How long have you two been together?" He asks. 

"A month. Maybe a little more."

"When can I meet him?"

"Soon." I let myself out of the room.

I call Harry, but he doesn't pick up.

Why did I tell him that I love him, especially over the phone? It just slipped out. I've never told him that before. The only one who knows that I love Harry is Niall, the night that I shoved it in his face. 

I call Louis for advice, but he doesn't pick up either. 

Ryan tells me that he will be gone for a few days, and he packs up his suitcase full of stuff. 

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