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When I arrive at school the next day, I notice that Niall nor Harry are there, which is quite a relief.

I've thought a lot about Harry in hours following our talk. I've thought about myself a lot also.

Why do I even like Harry? He's rude and confusing, and is the complete opposite of who I should want. He has no respect for women or anyone for that matter, and he constantly is hurting me. 

The whole thing is just confusing. Maybe I want to be with him just to see if he can really have feelings for someone. I'm not even sure, the entire thing is just over my head. 

But maybe he's exactly what I need. 

At the end of school, I grab my volleyball bag out of the office, heading to the locker room to change. 

Cassandra greets me, opening her locker next to mine. We exchange hellos before heading out to the court. 

My couch greets us as we walk in,  Cassandra and I bump the ball back and forth.

"Can you come over Friday?" 

"I think so. What for?"

"I'm throwing a party."

"Oh really?" 

"Yeah, I would love for you to come. I'm inviting like, the whole school."

"Okay, I would love to come."

We end up scrimmaging, Cassandra and me against some other girls on my team. 

The game goes slowly at first, but the pace eventually quickens. The ball is spiked to me and I'm about to return it  but my attention turns somewhere else. 

Harry is walking into the gym. 


Staring at me. 

I miss the ball completely, causing it to hit the floor.  Coach tells us to take a break, obviously confused at my sudden miss. Cassandra looks at me, then at Harry, and asks "Who's he?" 

"He um, sits next to me in science."

He smirks at my expression, walking over to Cassandra and I.

"Nice outfit, love." He says, his eyes raking my body in a way that reminds me of when we were in the bathroom. His large butterfly tattoo catches my attention, along with the two sparrows on his upper chest. My volleyball shorts are beyond to short and tight for him to be seeing me in them, and my shirt shows just a sliver of stomach.

"Thanks?" I say. 

"You're sweaty. I like it."

"I'm practicing, Harry." 

"I know." 

Seeing him again just brings up all types of confusion about our relationship. 

"So what are you doing here?" I ask, re-tieing my hair into a pony tail. 

"I was going to go play football but I heard your voice and I thought I'd go check it out."

"Why weren't you at school?"

"I didn't feel like coming."


"You don't mind if I watch?" He asks, taking a seat on a bleacher.

"Um, go ahead." I say.

As we walk back to the court Cassandra asks "What was that about?"

I look at Harry, who's studying me.

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