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I wake up, unsure of where I am before I feel Harry's body covering mine.

"You laugh in your sleep." He says, looking at me.

"I do?"

"Yeah, you were laughing and then you muttered something about butter and then you said my name."

"Really? I don't even remember dreaming." I smile.

"I think you had a dream about us having sex covered in butter."

"I did not!" I laugh against my better judgement.

"Never done it before, but I'm open for ideas." He says, rolling over on top of me. He kisses me, rolling his hips onto mine. We switch positions, myself sitting on top of his torso, slipping my tongue into his mouth, causing him to moan. My hair falls onto his face and I tuck it behind my ear.

"Wait, wait-I have to get in the shower." I break away.

"Love it. Let's go."

"No, just me." I smile, and he looks disappointed.

"Ugh. Fine."

I check twice to make sure the door is locked so I don't get any surprise visits from Harry.

I let the warm water run over my body, releasing the stress caught in my shoulders. So much has happened in only a day. I'm not sure where I'm at with Niall, but I know I'm going to have to face him at school. Was it only yesterday that I was waking up in Niall's bed instead of Harrys?

Then there's Ryan, who I haven't spoken to since the night he was drunk. I have forgiven him of course, but I almost don't know how to talk to him.

Why did I stay with Harry anyway? I have barely even broken up with Niall and then I'm sleeping in another guys bed.

Have Niall and I broken up? I'm not sure.

If only Harry didn't have all these...walls. He would hold me and tell he loves me, and then ask me to be his girlfriend. I almost lose myself in the fantasy.

"God love, could you take any longer? You've been in there for a good forty-five minutes."

Forty-five minutes? I quickly wrap the towel around myself rushing out of the bathroom, past Harry.

He looks at me, and I can see his eyes mentally ripping the towel off.

"Fuck." He says. My wet hair drips onto the carpet.

"Would you stop saying that word?" I ask.

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