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Harry didn't come to school the next week, but honestly I barely noticed because I was spending so much time with Niall.

My favorite part of our relationship are the little things. The way he laughs, the way his eyes shine brighter when he looks at me. When he is nervous he picks at the skin around his fingernails, and when he laughs his nose will scrunch up. Even like the smallest things like the mole on his neck or the way his capstick tastes when he kisses me made me feel alive.

Ryan continues to support our relationship, which I am happy about. Usually he tries to keep me away from boys but I think he knows Niall is different.

The people at school did not support our relationship. The cheerleaders get mad when I sit next to Niall at lunch, and still try to pry for his attention. I always laugh at the way they look at my when his hand rests on my thigh, or when he whispers in my ear that the cheerleader next to him has an annoying voice.

I also knew a lot more about him. His horoscope is a virgo, his favorite song is Viva La Vida by Coldplay, his favorite color is green or blue, and he plays guitar. Niall is so open, and it is easy to tell what he's thinking just by the look in his eyes.

Through all of this I have been texting Louis a lot too. He's a lot nicer then he appears to be, tattoos and all. We talk almost every day.

Its been a week since I saw Harry, so when he walks right into our fourth period class it surprises me. He takes his usual seat next to me, avoiding looking at me.

Miss Anderson begins babbling about who knows what, and eventually tells us to discuss.

"Hey," I say to Harry as he turns to face me. Our argument runs fresh in my mind.


"How are you?" I ask him. Once again I'm being the nice one.

"Good. And you?" He asks. Well at least he's not being a total asshole.

"I'm good,"

A few seconds pass before Harry says "Since we are keeping it nice you smell good,"

I feel my ears turning red before I respond "It's called a shower. Soap, shampoo, hot water?"

"Naked. I know the drill."

My face is bright red.

"Alright so, can somebody tell me how you show that you are interested in somebody?" asks Miss Anderson.

To my surprise Harry raises his hand.

"You have to make them feel vulnerable. To make them feel like they have no other choice then to be with you. But you can't be overly clingy either. You have to keep them confused, always make them wonder if you truely like them."

Nobody speaks for a second, but eventually Mrs. Anderson asks if we have any other theories but nobody dares to challenge Harry's opinion.

We are told to do a paper that she hands out in class, but everybody ends up talking anyways.

"So you are friends with Louis?" Harry asks. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't makeout.

"Yeah. He's really nice." I tell him.

"Yeah he's kinda a pussy around pretty girls. Never acts himself."

Harry thinks I'm pretty?

I decide to ignore his comment but will tell Louis that Harry called him a pussy. Maybe Louis will smack some sense into Harry.

I catch Niall's eyes across the room and he smiles, and I know he wishes he could be sitting by me.

Class ends and I get up, walking over to Niall but Harry catches my hand. He pulls my body closer to his and whispers in my ear "Be ready at eight."

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