Twenty Five

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"Who was that?" I ask Louis as we walk back to his car.

He slams the door angrily. "Only the biggest asshole on the planet."

"He's the leader of the frat?"

He sighs. "I guess you could say that. If I were you, I would try to avoid him at all costs. Him and Harry aren't the best of pals, so I would try to avoid mentioning to Harry that we saw him here today. Actually, avoid telling Harry that we were here at all. He would flip if he heard that I took you around college kids without his protection." He makes air quotes with his fingers.

"Alright." I say.

Louis changes the subject. "Are we still on for Wednesday?"

"Yup." I nod. "You remember the guidelines, right?" I ask.

"Yeah yeah. Long sleeve shirt, jeans without the holes in the knees, try to avoid talk of frat and or college."

"Perfect." I say.

He thinks for a minute. "Scout?"


"You're supposed to be taking Harry to meet your brother. Not me."

"I know. But Ryan will never approve. Ever. Plus I'm not even sure if Harry and I are still a couple."

"He'll come around." Louis says, trying to be hopeful.

"We'll see."

Louis pulls up to my house, and it feels odd not having somebody walk me to the door. I'm so used to Harry walking me inside that it feels odd without his presence.

"See you Wednesday!" Louis says as he pulls away.


On Wednesday, Harry isn't at school. I managed not to tell him about my encounter with Miles, and I'm surprised he didn't tell I was lying. I'm a horrible liar.

After school, Louis finds me as I'm at my locker.

"You ready, study buddy?" He asks.

"Yup. You look great." I say. He has perfectly covered up all his tattoos, and it's odd to look at his face without the glimmering metal.

"Thank you." He smiles.

When we get home, I walk inside. Ryan is perched on the dinning table, working on a paper.

"Hey Sc-Who is this?" He stands up, walking over to Louis and I.

"Ryan, this is Louis, and Louis this is Ryan." I say, nervously introducing them.

"Scout can I borrow you for a minute?" Ryan asks, roughly pulling me aside.

"Are you two dating?" He asks. I can tell he is beyond horrified at the sight of Louis at our house.

"No absoutlely not. We're friends. He... works with me." Ryan is pretty good at spotting my lies.

Apparently this lie slips under his radar. "You promise me?" He asks.

"Yes, I promise. He will be out of here by eight o'clock." I sigh.

He looks me straight in the eyes. "I need you promise me one more thing."

"Yeah, of course."

"Promise you won't ever date guys like him? I can almost see the trouble radiating off of him."

"I promise."

If only he knew.


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