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(Sorry for the long update time! Wattpad got shut down, but I'll try to continue with me usual routine. Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment!) 

I know that eventually I'll have to tell Ryan about Harry, but it never seems like the right time. 

My brother is protective. Every since our parents left he has never let any boy get near me, espically someone like Harry. I wish Ryan would approve of the Harry that I know, not the one who cusses out a waiter for getting his order wrong. Maybe if Ryan knew Harry the way I do, the boy who makes stupid jokes then laughs at himself, and the boy who never stops talking about traveling the world. Maybe if Ryan knew the guy behind the tattoos he would approve. 

That brings me to wonder why he liked Niall so much. Niall is different from Harry in so many ways. Maybe Ryan liked him because it seemes like he has his life together in so many ways. He's captian of the football team and sits at the popular table and is always partying. Harry eats alone and hangs out  with college students, and has piercings covering his face. 

My phone rings on the counter, and the caller I.D. reads Louis. 

"Scout!" He yells through the phone.


"It seems like it's been forever. Are you avaliable?" 

"Hang on a sec," I say.

"Ryan?" I yell.


"Can I go hang out with some friends for a while?" 

"But we were supposed to watch a movie." 

"I know, we can watch one... Saturday." 

He sighs, giving up.

"What friends?" 

I have no idea how to explain Louis and the rest of the tattooed gang to my brother. 

"Some of Nialls friends. Carly and stuff." I lie. 

"Okay, be back by ten." 

"For sure." 

I'm actually excited to tell Louis about Harry and I. He's rooted for us since the begining, and he's probably my best friend. 

I call Louis back, telling him I'll meet him in a few minutes at one of the bars. 

The place is crowded for a Thursday night, and it takes me a few minutes to find Louis in the crowds of people. 

"Scout!" He says hugging me. 

Liam and Zayn wave from the pool table, and I'm relieved that Harry isn't here after his awkward departure. 

"Let's go sit." Louis says, finding us a booth. 

"So whats going on?" He says, sitting down. 

I tell him about Harry and I's coversation only a few hours earlier, and he's legitimintaly shocked.

"You and Harry are dating?" He asks in pure disbelief. 

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Thats insane." 

"I can tell he's really nervous, and almost embarrassed."

"I would think so. He has a reputation here, and it's got to be difficult for to try to keep his image as such a man whore with a girlfriend." 

I laugh, but I know it's true. Harry didn't kiss me when we got to my car because he didn't want anybody to see him. He has a reputation to keep, and I'm a danger to that. 

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