Thirty Three

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(Sorry it took so long! It's one of the longest chapters I've written in a while, so I hope you enjoy!)

Harry wakes me up, opening the curtains. It's bright outside and I figure it must be around noon by the way my stomach instantly growls.

"Morning," He says.

"I'm tired." I complain, squinting my eyes.

I look over to him, and he's standing naked looking out the window. He turns to face me, a tilted smile growing on his face.

"I would expect you to be."

I roll my eyes, pulling the sheets back over myself in hope to get back to sleep.

"Come on, get up. Everybody is expecting us to be at the pool after our disappearance last night."

I groan, throwing the sheets off myself, before realizing that I am also, naked. I hurry and grab my swimsuit from my suitcase before rushing to the bathroom. Even through the door I can hear his familiar chuckle.

I chose the blue swimsuit, and put a sundress over it. There's an unescapable pain in my legs, but I choose to ignore it out of fear of Harry making fun of me. I put my hair into a ponytail and add water-proof mascara before meeting Harry in the bedroom.

His choice of trunks surprises me, and they are much shorter then I would expect them to be. They are also bright yellow, a color that I'm not used to seeing him in.

"What?" He acuses me of looking at him.

"Nothing. I like them." I tell him, grabbing my sunglasses from off of the nightstand.

He doesn't believe me. "Maybe I'll change..."

I take his hand in mine. "Harry. Seriously, I love them. Don't change."

"Fine," He says, leading me out of the room.

We walk to the elevator, and our only other company is a young girl around the age of nine. She glances at me, then Harry, her eyes widening. Even through the short ride, she keeps looking at him, fiddling with her hair and adjusting her tee-shirt. I can relate to her, I remember my boy crazy phase. He glares at her, confused by her likeness of him.

When we exit, Harry practically runs out of the awkward situation. He pulls me with him, getting away from the young girl.

"Oh do I have competition?" I joke.

We exit the hotel, walking into the blistering 85 degree heat. "Creepy children."

I laugh despite the rudeness of his joke, already sweating in the heat. Because of my pale complexion, I freckle and burn quite easily.

Harry scans our room card, grabbing towels for us.

"I don't know why we're swimming." I say.

"Because it's hot as hell outside?"

I push my sunglasses off my forehead. "I can't swim, in case you don't remember."

"Oh, I remember. It was the first time I ever got to see you half-naked."

I try to think of something sassy to say in response, but come up with nothing.

We walk to where the group has rented a few canopies, and I greet Louis and Liam.

"Got you a drink," Louis says, handing me a red smoothie. I sip it and it tastes bitterly of alcohol, and I hand it to Harry instead.

"So, Scout, would you like to join me in the wave pool?" Louis asks.

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