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(Hi everyone! Sorry about taking so long, I got my laptop taken away)

I wake up to the sound of someone falling off the bed. 

"Fuckkkk." Harry says from the floor. His voice is scratchy, and the rings in his face glimmer from the moonlight escaping the window.

"You need a bigger bed. You can't do anything on this, it's to fucking small."  

"Sorry but I'm not used to having people stay the night in my bed."

"I can tell, you kick every five fucking minutes." 

I wince, and I hope that it's just his morning grumpiness talking. 

He lays back down, pushing me towards the other corner of the bed. His legs sprawl over mine, and he puts the pillow on his head, desperate to get back to sleep. 

I look at the clock, which reads 6:30. 

I decide to get ready, and leave Harry in is grumpy slumber. 

He grabs my wrist when I try to get up, and pulls me to him, laying on me. I suddenly become aware of my half naked body; he must have taken off my sweats.

"Can we stay here?" He asks, kissing my forehead

"We have school, Harry."

"So? Call in sick."

"What would we do?" 

"You have to trust me."

"I'm not sure, Harry."

"Get ready, we leave at 10:00."


I call in sick at school, and I'm not sure what to wear. Harry still hasn't told me what where we're going, and I'm not sure if I should dress for camping or for a formal party. 

"Harry what should I wear?" I ask, poking my head into my room.

He's fallen asleep again, so I decide on jeans and an old tee shirt. My mind wanders with questions about what he could have in store for me. I feel like I need to do a thousand things at once, but I try to settle with picking a simple task.

Making breakfast. 

I crack eggs into a pan, and put two English Muffins into the toaster. Harry walks in, wearing swim trunks. 

"Go change." He says, digging through his backpack. 

"In case, your don't remember, I can't swim." 

"We never finished our lesson." His lips curve into a smirk. 

"I don't even own a swimsuit." I try to hide the pink rising in my cheeks at the thought of our last 'swimming lesson.' 

"Naked will work too." He teases.

"Can we stop at Target?" I ask, walking over to him. 

"What's your obsession with that place?" 

"Nothing, they just have cute swimsuits there." 

"Okay, I'll only take you to Target if I get the pick the swimsuit." 

I gulp at the thought of what Harry might pick out for me. At least it's better then going naked. 

When we arrive there, I show Harry to the swimsuit isle. He walks into the womens section with no embarrassment whatsoever, and begins pulling out different swimsuits. The first one he picks is blue and super skimpy. Harry hands it to me, telling me to try it on.

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