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I try to focus and do my homework, but my thoughts keep going back to Harry. What was his problem? He flips me off then is worried whether or not I get into my house? I can't stand him.

Yet at the same time, I can't stop thinking about him.

I decide I'll come back to my homework later, and go to sit on the couch to call Niall. He picks up after only one ring, and I can almost hear him smiling.

"Hey Scout." he says. His voice sounds scratchy.

"Hey Niall, how are you feeling?"

"Eh Ok. I apologize for not being able to drive you home,"

"Its no big deal, Carly drove me." I'm not sure why I lie about Harry. It just doesn't seem right to tell him.

"Oh you met Carly?" he asks.

"Yeah she was really nice." The thought of what Carly told me gives me goosebumps.

"Yeah she's great," he says.

"Will you be back tomarrow?" I ask.

"Eh should be. That was quite the storm today huh?"


We chat for a little while and I tell him the homework assignment, and we hang up. I really like Niall. He is charming and sweet and is always in a good mood. Everything Harry wasn't.

I turn on reruns of How I Met Your Mother, and allow myself too sleep.


I wake up at around 5:30 the next morning. I'm glad that it's Friday, it feels like this week has lasted a whole year.

I decide I can't go back to sleep, because I'm already wide awake. I put on my usual light make up, and pick out my outfit. I decide to wear a cute dress that shows off my legs. For some reason I feel like I'm putting more effort into my look then usual. Who was I trying to impress? I quickly change into jeans and a hoodie.

Niall picks me up for school as always, and he tells me he's feeling better.

"So tonight Johnathan is having a party, and I know it's short notice but I would love if you would come with me"

"I would love too," I say and he beams. I notice Niall isn't dressed in his usual outfit. His plain white tee shirt has the sleves rolled up, and I can't see his blue eyes through his black sunglasses. He still has his white shoes on, but he's wearing a navy snapback backwards on his head. He must have noticed me looking at him becase I can see the red forming in his cheeks.

We arrive at school, and it feels good to have Niall walking by my side again. I go to put my books in my locker, but someone inturrpts me.

Harry walks past me, and smacks my books out of my hands, just like on the first day of school. I look at him and he turns around and gives me a devilish smile, before getting lost in the crowd.

"Again?" Niall walks up and laughs.

"I guess it's just our thing," I smile.

"Our thing," he repeats.


I was completely unsure of how fourth period would go. Would Harry talk to me? Would he mention him walking me inside? How will Niall react to having his seat taken by Harry?

Before I know it it is time for fourth period.

I walk inside with Niall, suprised too see Harry already sitting in his seat.

"Uh Scout?" Niall asks still looking at Harry.

"Mrs. Anderson switched your seat yesterday,"

"Oh," Niall says.

"Yeah now shes all mine," Harry butts in.

"Fuck off." Niall mutters, his words filled with venom.

What was going on?

Niall goes and sits down across the room and I take my seat next too Harry. For some reason I find myself glad to see him after our experience yesterday.

Mrs. Anderson begins babbling on, and I tune out once again.

"Aids can be a very serious illness, and it's important too know what you can do to prevent it," I hear my teacher say.

"I bet she has it" Harry says, and I'm not sure if hes talking too me.

"Is everything a joke to you?" I ask.

He fiddles with the ring on his lip. "Not everything."

"Like what?"


My eyes widen. I wait for a harsh comment to come but it never does.

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