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(Having a bit of writers block so sorry if this chapter isn't super amazing)

I lounge around for the rest of the day, avoiding both Carly and Harry. 

I don't quite know what to do with Harry. I know for sure I'll have to face him at school on Monday, but I'm kind of embarrassed at what happened between us. My mind wonders to what he told me I was clingy. Was I clingy? 

Before I can answer myself, Louis pops his head into my tent.

"Scout it's time to come out." 

I groan but get up. Outside theres a large bonfire, and everybody is roasting marshmellows under the setting sun. 

I sit down next to Louis, and grab a marshmellow. Harry's sitting accross from me, his hand on the inside of the blonde's thigh. My stomach churns, and I realize that Louis was right. He only ment to get in my pants and I almost let him. 

"Scout, your burning it." Louis tells me.

I hadn't realize I had drifted away in thought. The outside of the marshmellow is burnt, but I eat it anyways, burning my tounge. 

"See what I mean?" Louis asks me, nodding toward Harry and the blonde.

"Yeah. You're completely right, I admit it." I whisper back. 

Harrys Point of View. 

What was I doing?

There she was, sitting alone, with Louis. She looks so cold without somebody to hold her. 

"Stop it." I tell myself. She already has a boyfriend. That blonde jock kid who is absolutely perfect for her. 

I would give anything to be him. 

I really do try to stay away from her, but sometimes I lose it. There's moments when I want nothing more then to be with her, no matter how much I try to fight it. 

That's why I have Ava, to distract me. She sometimes reminds me of Scout, the way she smiles or when she tucks her hair behind her ears. Not nearly as beautiful, but nobody was as beautiful as Scout. 

Fuck. What was I thinking? 

"Do you want to get out of here?" Ava whispers in my ear.

"No, I want to stay." 

"Ugh Harry you've been so boring lately." 


She moves off of my lap, pouting.

I catch Scout looking at me from across the fire. She looks away quickly, pretending to fiddle with a marshmellow.

 Her smile is fake, and her eyes look watery. 

I stare at her, waiting to catch her eye. I know she'll look at me, she always does. 

Sure enough she catches me staring at her. 

I mouth the word 'tent' to her, and she looks confused. I do it again and this time she gives a small nod. 

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you all in the morning." Scout says giving everyone the fakest smile I've ever seen.

After a few minutes I get up to join her. Nobody questions me, they all know much better.

She's curled up into a ball, staring at her phone. Her eyes are watery, and she sniffles.

"What's the matter?" I sit down next to her. 

"It's nothing." 


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