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Harry doesn't say anything too me or even look at me for the rest of class, and as soon as the bell rings he runs out the door before anyone can even get out of their seats.

I don't know what his problem is, and I don't want to deal with Harry right now. He is to moody. I decide to focus on something more pleasant, like going to the party with Niall.

Eventually I'm sitting at lunch next to Carly, and she asks me if Harry talked to me again today. I her about him flipping me off then trying to make sure I got in my house. Shes even more suprised when I tell her about what he did today.

"So he knocks your books out of you hands then says that you're not a joke too him?"


"He's really confusing." Carly says.

"You got that right." I reply.

"Who?" Niall says walking up and sitting down next too me.

"Harry," I answer.

"That guy is a jerk." Niall mutters.

"Tell me about it,"

"So Scout are you coming to the party tonight?" asks Carly, changing the subject.

"Yeah what time is it?"

"I'll pick you up around eight." Niall says.

"Okay. Who's party is this again?"

"Johnathan. He always throws these big parties where he invites the whole school." Carly tells me

The whole school? For some reason my skin tingles as I wonder if Harry will be there.


Niall drops me off at my house, and I hurry inside so I have enough time to get ready. I take a shower and blow dry my hair, before flat ironing it. I'm not sure what to wear, but eventually decide to wear the dress that I decided not to wear to school.

I have no clue where the party is at, so I'm not sure if I should wear heels or not. Finally I decide to wear a pair of leather sandals. After re-applying my makeup I leave a text message for Ryan telling him where I'm going. He probably doesn't care, and is too busy at his own college parties to worry about me.

Niall knocks on my door at exactly 8:00, which I find very cute. He's dressed in a plaid shirt and grey jeans, and it still suprises me too see him without his football jacket.

"Scout you look amazing," he says smiling.

"As do you," I smile.

I'm pleasantly suprised when he grabs my hand, his skin smooth and warm in the cool fall air. Niall is different from Harry in so many ways. He's so open, so nice. Harry is dark, mysterious, and confusing.

The drive there is silent, but it isn't awkard. I feel his eyes on me, and I look at him and smile.

I have absolutely no idea where Niall is taking me. We are in the middle of nowhere, driving on a dirt road.

"God Niall where are we?" I laugh.

"We're here," he says, parking.

I get out of the car and look around. We are surrounded by trees, and giant speakers. I realize that we are in the middle of a forest. People everythere are running around drunk, even though the sun has barely set. Music blasts from the speakers, and lights dangle from tree branches.

"This is amazing," I tell him.

"Yeah. Johnathan likes this spot because we can drink without being found. Speaking of drinks can I get you anything?"

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