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(This chapter is kinda dirty so just a heads up) 

I finish my last problem of my homework, to my room. My phone is buzzing on my nightstand, and I answer.

"Scout?" Niall's voice asks me through the phone.

"Hey." I answer. My head hurts at the thought of what Crystal said. 

"Are you home?" He asks.

I can't avoid him any longer. 


"I'll be there in five."

I bite the side of my lip, running a nervous hand through my hair. What am I going to do if Crystal is telling the truth? What am I going to do if she's not?

I hear a door open and I freeze. I forgot I'd given him a key the morning before we broke up. 

"Scout?" he calls. 

"Hey." I whisper when he walks in.


"So what have you decided?" He asks softly. This is killing me. 

"Is it really nine?" I desperately want to start sobbing at the sight of his perfect blue eyes, but I won't let myself. 

"Is what nine?" He asks.

"Crystal told me you lied. That you really have slept with nine." 

"I...I...I have. Scout I'm so- "

"Wait you lied to me?" I stand up. 

"I knew you would never talk to me again if you knew-"

"But you lied to me!" Tears threaten to spill over.

"Please Scout you have to forgive me. I made such a huge mistake, you have to forgive me. I know I don't deserve it but please. I love you. That's what is different. I love you more then any girl I've ever seen. I know we have only been together for a short time but it's been the best month of my life. Please, it can't end." 

"I can't Niall. I-I can't. I can't forgive you."

"Why? Please, princess, I love you."

"You're not who I thought you were." A single tear falls. 

"I'm still the same person I was when we first met!"

"You're still the jock that sleeps with all the cheerleaders?" I question in between sobs. 

"No, no, I love you. You have to believe me, please." He is practically begging me. 

I swallow the saliva that has gathered in my throat.

"You've just been trying to have sex with me this whole time."

"No, no, please."

"You lied to me."

"Baby, please-"

"You should go." I cry. 

He looks at me for a second, and I look back at him. 

"Just because this is over, doesn't mean it's over. I will get you back, Scout."

"I promise you that." He stares into my eyes. 

He walks out, leaving me alone to cry.

And I do. 


I don't go to school. 

I don't shower.

It hurts.

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