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The next morning I wake to the sun shinning on my face. I crack an eye open, and see that I'm still on the couch. Letting out a yawn, I look over to see Niall sleeping soundly next to me. His breaths are slow and even, and I notice the occasional twitch in his features.

I untangle myself from him, and get out the stuff to make pancakes. Niall groans, stretching before sitting up.

"Morning." he says burring his face into my pillow. I can't help but smile at his morning voice.

"Good morning Niall."

"What are you doing?" he asks, his voice muffled by my pillow.

"Making pancakes."

"I want to help."

He gets up, walking over to where I'm standing. His hair is all over the place, and his eyes are dulled with sleep. He kisses my forehead sweetly, before helping me mix the batter.

"I was only gonna stay until your brother got home but I never woke up. Is he here?" Niall asks.

"Nah he stayed the night somewhere else." I tell him.

He looks thoughtful, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Scout does this happen a lot?"


"Are you alone a lot?"

I didn't want to lie. I was alone quite a bit.


He wraps his arms around me, and we stay there for what seems like forever.

"I'll never let you be alone."

I smile into his shoulder, eyes wet with tears.

"I love you, Scout." he whispers into my ear, suprising me.

"I love you, Niall."


Niall leaves around noon for work, and I'm left feeling thoughtful. Has it already been 3 weeks since Niall and I started dating? It feels like yesterday.

I have nothing to do with my day, and decide to call Louis to see if he wants to hang out.

"Scout!" he says through the phone.

"Hey can you hang out?" I ask him.

"I'm actually headed out camping with the gang. You should come along!"

"I don't know, with the way that Harry has been acting. I mean I do have a boyfriend."

"Invite a friend!" Louis says. He obviously really wants me to come along.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

"Yeah sure! I'll keep Harry away from you."

"Alright I'll call up Carly." I give in.

"Yes! Be at my house at two."

He hangs up, and I call Carly. She's unsure of the whole "Camping with Harry thing" but eventually she decides to come.

I pack, and text both Niall and Ryan that I'll be gone for the weekend. Niall tells me to have fun, and that he'll miss me. Ryan as always is unresponsive.

Carly picks me up and I direct her to the address Louis has given me. She looks a little shocked to see Louis with his peircing and tattoos, along with the rest of the "gang". I had to admit I was a little intimidated too.

Carly and I grab our stuff out of the car walk up to the driveway.

"Scout!" Louis yells, giving me a hug.

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