Twenty Three

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"Try this on!" Harry yells across the store. 

I sigh, hanging whatever I was looking at back on the rack. "Really, Harry I've tried on like five dresses." 

"But this is my favorite!" He pouts, handing me the dress.

It's short, tight, and sparkly and would probably make me look like a hooker. 

"I like the blue one better." I say.

"No, I think you'll wear this to the party."

"About the party..." I ask.

"What about it? It's just the boys and I at our friends frat house. I'm bringing you." 

"I'm only a junior Harry."

"If you're with me they will back off." 

"I don't know Harry."

"You're coming with me to this party and that's final."

I nod, giving up. Once Harry's made his mind up on something, there's no changing it.

I find a dress, looking at it. It has straps, and it's goes to just above my knees. There's no way Harry will like it, but I decide to bring it into the dressing room anyway. 

The dresses that Harry has picked for me are all basically the same. Short, tight, and strapless. Out of them all, there's only one that I'm okay with. Barely. It's navy blue, strapless, and shorter then I would like. However, it is longer then the others and has a nicer neckline. Definitely not as revealing. 

When I walk outside to show Harry, he's talking to somebody on the phone. His conversation is intense, and I figure it must be his step-father. I stand against the door frame and wait for him to finish, but he notices me standing there. He hangs up on his father without even saying good bye.

"That's-" He stumbles for words. "That's the one you like?" 

"Out of all of them, yes." 

He gulps, and I can see his pupils dialate. His tounge flicks out to wet his lips. 

"I like that one too." He bites his lip, looking at me. 

"Okay, should we get this one then?"


It's nice to see Harry this way, so vaunrable. I decide to mess with him. 

"Should I try more on?" I ask, stepping towards him.

"I think you should take that one off." He says, standing up.

"Oh, really?" 

"Yeah. Right now." He says, pushing me into the dressing room. 

"Now is definatly not the time." I say, turning away from him. I made a big mistake teasing him. 

"Yes, it fucking is." Harry says, grabbing my hand and placing it on his bulge. 

"No, Harry." I say as he kisses my neck in the way that makes me feel ready to explode. 

"Yes, Scout." 

I give him a look.

"Everything okay in there?" Asks the girl who was helping me find a dress earlier.

"Yeah. Everything is great." I say, my voice cracking. Harry is still pinned to me against the wall.

"Let me know if you need anything." She says, walking away. 

"O-okay." I mutter.

When she leaves I let out a deep breath. 

"Okay, obviously not the place." Harry comments.

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