Twenty Seven

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"Scout?" Niall asks. "What are you doing here, all alone?" 

"It's...It's a long story." 

"Are you okay? Why are you crying? Come to my house, I can drive you home." He hugs me.

I try to stop myself from crying. "No really, I can take the bus."

"Seriously Scout, do I need to call the police? Can you tell me what happened?"

"I went to a party with Harry and he left me alone, and when he returned he was very, very, drunk, and he started grabbing my arm really tightly so I left." I leave out the detail of him pinned to me in the bathroom against my will. Niall would flip out if he found out that is who I dumped him for. 

"He hurt you?"

"Kind of. He was really drunk and I don't think he knew what he was doing." 

"I'm going to go talk to him." He says.

I stop him. "Niall, even when Harry's that drunk you can't take him. He's aggressive and who knows what he will do you knowing our past relationship. The alcohol in his veins heightens that feeling."

"I don't care, he can't just treat you like that!" He gets off the bus.

"Niall, I'm not letting you go near him."

I get on the bus, pulling Niall on with me. He sits next to me, thoughtful.

"Can I be honest with you Scout?" He says and I nod. 

"He has changed you."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Look I know that you live in this whole fantasy like in the movies, but he doesn't feel anything for you. He's manipulating you. I know that you think he loves you and that he has changed but he hasn't. He's still the douche-bag that knocked your books out of your hands on the first day of school. Ever since you two became involved in each other you've changed, Scout. I mean look at you, you're going to college parties and drinking alcohol and you're sneaking away from your brother almost every other night. You're a different person with him and I don't like it. He's got you under some...spell that makes you into a different person then you are. He doesn't feel anything towards you. Maybe he thinks he does, but he doesn't."

I take a deep breath. "I love him, Niall."

His eyes stare through mine. "But he doesn't love you. Not like I do." 

He leans in toward me, and for a second, I lean toward him too. But thoughts of Harry flood my mind. Thoughts of me waking in the middle of the night to the feeling of his arms wrapping around me. Thoughts of the way he kisses me, and thoughts of his lips and the lake and him holding me. 

I stand up.

"I have to go."

The bus driver pulls to the nearest bus stop, and I run out. Niall begins to follow me but stops as I walk away from him.


Ryan is not there when I get home, and I'm lucky. The seconds I cross the door, I burst into tears. 

Everything Niall said was true, and that's what hurts. I've fallen in love with somebody who can never love me back. Sure Harry and I only started officially dating two weeks ago, but we've been involved for a month and a half. His impatient and rude attitude makes everything seem much longer. 

Harry scared me to death tonight. The hunger in his eyes was not something I would like to see in the future. If we even have one. Niall is right, where do I see myself going with this relationship? Harry can't be into this girlfriend thing forever.

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