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(I realize that the characters in this book are younger then they are in real life because they are in high school, but they still look the same as they do now :)

The next morning I wake up to my head throbbing. Everything seems loud, even the sound of my breath. And when Ryan yells my name from the other room, I feel like screaming.

"Finally your awake. It's nearly noon." He says.

"Yeah." I tell him. Does he know I drank last night?

"I brought you Advil. "

"You're not mad?" I ask him, barely believing my luck.

"I guess I'm supposed to be but I'm not because I would have done the exact same thing. But don't do it again." He smiles handing me a water bottle and the pain reliver.

"Thank you." I tell him and he walks out of my room.

I scroll through my messages. A lot of them are from Niall, and I enjoy reading his drunk texts. I'd have to tease him about them later. He must be wondering what happened to me, and I decide to call him.

He picks up, but he must have been sleeping because his voice is grougy.


"Sorry did I wake you?" I ask.

"No, no, I need to get up anyway. What happened to you last night?"

"Ryan got mad at me so one of the cheerleaders offered to drive me." Why did I lie about Harry again?

"Well if I hadn't been so pounded I would have taken you." he laughs.

"Nah it's ok I had a great time."

"I did too. Well of what I remember." he says and I wonder if he's thinking of us making out.

"Exactly, but I do have a major headache." I tell him trying to change the subject.

"Me too. If you feel better later would you maybe want to head downtown?" he asks me.

"I would love too,"

"I'll be there at seven."

We say our goodbyes and I can't help but smile. I like the way things are going with Niall.

I try to run through the events of last night, but they are all kind of blurry. There was Niall kissing me in the forest, me going to jump off the bridge, and Harry. Memories of our arugument flood my mind. Him leaving me in the car for three hours while he partied, Louis asking me if I was the annoying one, Harry telling me that I was annoying and embarrassing and don't know when to back off. Me telling him I was sorry for trying to be nice to him before stroming out of his car.

My head hurts even more now.

I lounge around the whole day in my pajamas, switching between the television, computer, and my phone. My head feels much better by the time I begin getting ready for it a date? I'm not sure.

I pick out some shorts and a tee shirt, nothing special, but I do take the time to curl my hair and apply makeup. The door bell rings, and I go to answer it but Ryan beats me too it.

"Uh Scout somebody's here for you." he says looking at me unsure. He must not remember meeting Niall a couple of weeks before.

"Hey Niall," I say.

"Hey Scout." he replies with a smile.

Ryan looks at me, then at Niall, then back at me. "Can I talk to her real fast?" Ryan asks Niall.

"Of course." He says and tells me he'll wait in the car.

Ryan looks at me and asks, "Is he your boyfriend?"

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