Twenty Four

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"Scoouutt" Harry wines from the bed. I'm already dressed and ready to go but he is still laying around.

"We have to go to school, Harry."

"I have a headache."

"I bet you do."

"Can't we just stay here, baby?" He asks, rolling onto his stomach.

"No, Harry."

"I want to stay here." Harry complains.

"We already missed Friday, Harry."

"Why are you so fucking difficult?"

So Harry isn't a morning person.

"Because I can't afford to miss any more school. I have to start applying for colleges soon."

He stands up. "Can't you just not be such a rule-follower for five fucking minutes?"

"Lets not dissuss this right now." I say, walking out of the room.

My brother left early this morning, so Harry is free to follow me around the house like a clingy two year old.

Yesterday was rough. First there's the purple haired girl at the clothing store, then there's Harry climbing through my window calling me baby and talking about some girl that looks like me. I know he has a rough past with women but I hate being reminded of all the feelings he's hurt.

"Don't fucking walk away from me!" He says, following me into the room.

I turn sharply. "What's there to walk away from? I don't feel like having my feelings hurt and you just seem to be intentionally trying to hurt me right now."

"That's not the point, but I don't like you fucking turning your back on me. You try to walk away from an arugument then just pretend it's okay ten minutes later!"

"I should have turned my back on you ages ago! And sorry for trying to get along with you despite how rude you are to me and everyone around you!"

"Whatever! I was fine before you and I'll be fine without you."

"You're were not fine without me! Take a step back and look at the person you were! You didn't even show up to your moms own wedding!"

"I-How did you know that?"

"Louis told me, and honestly, that's low for even you."

"You don't know me and my fucking life so stay the fuck out of it."

"Then stay out of mine." I walk out of the kitchen, heading out of the garage and walking quickly away form him.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He asks, chasing me down the street.

I face him. "To school, Harry."

"You don't have a fucking car!"

"I'll take the bus."

"I'll drive you." He grabs my wrist.

"No. I am going to be my own person and ride the bus. You can go and drive yourself to school. Or home if you want because you seem so intent with going there."

"No, Scout. There's fucking drunks and creeps on the bus. You're coming with me."

"Get away." I say, pulling out of his grip and running towards the bus stop as fast as I can.

Instead of riding the bus I walk instead. It's far, but not unreasonable. I probably will try to avoid getting into the habbit of it.

I barely make it to school in order to grab my books from my locker. Harry isn't here yet, but I wouldn't expect him to make an appearance.

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