Twenty Six

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(I picture Miles as Nick Roux)

When we walk inside, I catch a lot of male attention. Harry stands awkwardly next to me, but he doesn't protectively grab my hand like he usually does. Instead, he walks away from me, into the large kitchen. 

"Do you want something to drink?" He asks, pouring himself a beer. 


He hands me something in a red cup, and it tastes like strawberries. 

Harry stands there, very uncomfortable. He's not standing close to me either, and instead he leans away from me.

"I have to go to the bathroom." 

I raise my eyebrows. "You're leaving me here?" 

"I'll be back in a minute."

He practically runs away from me. 

I stand there awkwardly alone in the kitchen. There's no sign of Louis, so I decide to go check his room. 

Some guy with a mohawk checks me out as I walk up the stairs. I glance at him before quickly before running up.

The music is even louder up here, and the annoying vibrations are giving me a headache. I crack open the door to Louis's room, finding a couple bent over each other on his bed.

I quickly run from the scene, tumbling downstairs again.

Harry still hasn't returned from his 'Bathroom break' by the time I return to the kitchen. Someone else is waiting for me when I walk in.

"Scout! How ya' doing, sweetheart?" Miles walks over to me.

I gulp, Harrys reminder to stay away from him runs fresh in my mind. "I'm doing great, and you?" 

He smiles. "I'm doing well. Where's that boyfriend of yours?" 

"Honestly, I don't know." I know it's wrong but I'm angry at Harry for leaving me alone here. We were doing so well. We had been without an argument for around four days. 

"Typical Harry. C'mon, I'll be your date tonight. Can I get you something to drink?" Maybe it's the alcohol, but his smile is charming.

"Sure, why not." 

He takes the red cup out of my hand, filling it with some type of beer. It tastes bitter in my mouth, but I don't complain. 

"So, Harry abandoned you here? Do you want me to help you look for him?" He's being much more kind then the other day when I met him. 

"I honestly don't want to speak to Harry right now." I take another sip of the beer. 

This make him smile. "Okay. What would you like to do then?"

I think for a second. "I brought a swimsuit?" 

"Awesome. You can change in my room."

He leads me upstairs, and I casually look for Louis as we walk down the halls. I know Harry is going to be pissed when he returns from wherever he is, but I don't care. He deserves to be pissed. 

"Meet me in the hot tub? Theres a towel hanging in the bathroom." He gives me a soft smile.


I look around his room. It's bigger then Louis's, much bigger. Then again, Miles is the leader of the frat, so he most likely gets to control everything that happens in this house. 

The swimsuit feels wrong without Harry here to complement it. It's odd without his nimble fingers trying to undo the back strap. I wish he would have at least told me where he was going.

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